December 30, 2017

My Aladdin Lamp Obsession (and Collection) is Growing!

The journey to create my very own Aladdin lamp collection...

I finally couldn't fight the temptation any longer. I just had to officially start my Aladdin lamp collection! Now, yes, I did currently have 2 lamps - an Amethyst Lincoln Drape (Model 23A) that was a gift and a Clear Genie III (MAXbrite). Techinically, you could call that a collection, but those are modern lamps. I really wanted some old lamps (OK, maybe a lot!). My original 2 lamps have both been used during power outages, but all of the ones I am planning to add to my collection will be just for display. Update (3/14/18): I've added a 3rd modern lamp, the Deluxe Brass Table Lamp (MAXbrite) that has oil and is ready to burn!

So, I got myself the Aladdin Collectors Manual and Price Guide (#23 updated in July of 2017) and my trusty Aladdin - The Magic Name in Lamps book and I was ready to go! These are ABSOLUTE MUST-HAVES if you want to collect Aladdin lamps and accessories. The information in these two resources is invaluable and incredibly helpful (as well as super least to me).

If you want to start collecting from scratch, like me, I thought I would describe how I decided to go about it, as it might be helpful to you as well. I wanted to have a diverse collection with as many different styles as I could find. That meant (at least for now) selecting just one color or finish for each style. I didn't want to end up with a lot of the same color, so I decided to have a very calculated approach and have a tentative plan in mind so that I didn't end up wishing I would have waited for a different color to come along. It is way too tempting to just buy the first lamp in a certain style I find when getting started.

To start, I created a list of lamp styles I wanted in the order I wanted to find them. Then for each style, I ranked the colors and/or finishes produced for each style. My rankings started with the highest value (which also happened to line up with the ones I liked the best in most cases). As I started picking colors to vary the collection, I did rank some higher just because I already ranked the same color high for another style. I feel pretty good about how I have ranked the lamps. If I can find what I'm looking for, I will have a nice variety of colors and finishes!

Right now, the only place I am looking is on eBay. That might change after awhile, but for right now, this is just super easy. There are just so many options, and they are all so tempting, but I do have to remember that I have to have room for everything I get. Being patient is the hardest thing because I know it's going to be hard to find some of the earliest models, dating back to 1909. It's also really hard to be picky and hold out for lamps in better condition or a better price - but I'm trying!

If you are interested, stay tuned because I will be documenting each new lamp to my collection in upcoming posts! So come with me on my journey of being an official Aladdin collector. Soon you can call me an Aladdin membership is in the mail! Anyone can become a member - click here! Update: it's official - I'm a Knight! If you have any suggestoins for a cute handle, I'm open to suggestions :)

I've had so much fun furthering my research and continuing to dig deeper into the fascinating history of Aladdin lamps. Not only do I find it all so interesting and intriguing, but it will all be useful in my Aladdin lamp training at work. I think everyone will enjoy being able to see some of the older lamps and parts to help assist customers. The training I've had myself definitely comes in handy with identifying lamps and parts to add to my collection. It's definitely a win-win!!

Below are links to each post covering each lamp I add to my collection. Check back for updates!

Model 2 Nickel
Model 6 Nickel
Model 7 Satin Brass
Model 11 Nickel
Model 12 Variegated Duo Tan Vase
Model B Flesh
Moonstone Cathedral
Model B Rose 
Moonstone Queen
Model B Yellow 
Moonstone Vertique
Model B Emerald
 Washington Drape
Model C (Brazil) 
Diamond Quilt Glass
Model 23 Clear Genie
Model 23 American Classic, Eddie Bauer
Model 23A Clear Genie II

As of 1/22/18 here is my entire collection! They are arranged from earliest (Model 6) to newest (MAXbrite 500).

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