August 16, 2013

Seinfeld References #83, 84, 85 & 86

August 16, 2013--So many Seinfeld references today!

Seinfeld Reference #83
Today was so crazy/weird, Shonda said it felt like we were in a sitcom! So that made me think of when George and Jerry were coming up with ideas for their show, Jerry, and George was like 'What did you do this morning...there you go, that's a show."

Seinfeld Reference #84
Shonda's been having weird dreams lately. A couple days ago, she dreamt that she was pregnant. Yesterday, she found a very random tiny blue baby rattle sticker or piece of confetti on the floor by her desk in her cubicle. We have no idea where it cold have come from. It seems too weird to be a coincidence. That made me think of Elaine's argument that you can have big coincidences and little coincidences.

Seinfeld Reference #85
A few people from work are running in a marathon for charity, and one of the members of the group that's doing it together isn't so sure about the running. Diane and I said we would rather walk. That reminded us of when Kramer was doing the AIDS walk and how he was up late smoking the night before and Jerry told him he was never going to be able to do the AIDS walk.

Seinfeld Reference #86
Diane was talking about how some people in her family always put up a fuss when you try to pay them back or try to pay for something for them. That reminded me of the episode that was just on the other night, where Jerry's dad tries to pay for his gas, and later Jerry tries to give his dad a wallet and money that he thought was stolen and he hid the money in the wallet (only to have his father throw the wallet away because of something he didn't like, and he never looked inside).

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