December 31, 2017

My Aladdin Collection - Alacite Simplicity Model B (1948)

Introducing the 4th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model B Simplicities: ALACITE (B-76A)

I knew that I wanted an Alacite lamp for my collection. There are only a couple of models that were made with Alacite - the Simplicity and the very popular Tall and Short Lincoln Drapes. Alacite is a special material that was discovered by Aladdin, and it is an ivory-like opal glass material. They called their discovery"Alacite" as a combination of the Aladdin name and the popular suffix "cite" used for minerals and natural stones. Before WWII, Alacite was used with Uranium oxide as a coloring agent. Those lamps will glow under a blacklight. Sadly, this lamp was made post-war, so it does not glow (I tried it just in case). Stay tuned for my next post about a lamp that DOES glow!

Simplicity Lamp Details
Model - B
Year Produced - 1948
Font/Burner - Side Draft
Chimney - Lox-on

Simplicity Lamp Styles
B-26 Ivory Alacite with Decalomania
B-27 Ivory Alacite with Gold Lustre
B-28 Rose Deocrated Crystal
B-29 Green Decorated Crystal
B-30, B-56 White Decorated Crystal
B-76A Plain Ivory Alacite

My New Lamp
The Alacite Simplicity is simply beautiful! I absolutely love this lamp! It is so classic-looking. After finding and studying this lamp, I now realize that the table lamp I spotted in the show Copper was most likely this very lamp! It has a very distinct, sleek, "simple" look, and I'm quite sure that I've found the match. I think it's pretty cool to have the same lamp they used as a prop (albeit very inaccurately - read my post about it).

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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