December 31, 2017

My Aladdin Collection - Model 12 Nickel Table Lamp w/ Slant-Side (1928-1935)

Introducing the 2nd vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing Model 12: NICKEL SLANT-SIDE (1200)

The next lamp added to my collection goes back a few years before my Beehive. The Model 12 was produced between 1928 and 1935. I don't think there is any way to know more exactly when my lamp was made. Model 12s were made with either straight sides (early) or slant sides (later). I haven't been able to find production dates, but I did read that it was thought that lamps were only made with straight sides during the first year of production, because there aren't very many of them found. The Model 12 that I bought has slant sides, so it is likely that it was made somewhere between 1929 and 1935. Unfortunately, that doesn't really narrow it down very much.

The Model 12 was produced during a transition period. This model has the honor of some distinguishing "firsts" and "lasts." Model 12 was the first lamp to switch from the smooth, heel-less chimney to the new lox-on style. The mantle was switched to the new lox-on style as well, replacing the old KoneKap style. Model 12 was also the last model with a center draft tube; all lamps that came after (and all current models) are considered "side-draft".

Lamp Details
Model - 12
Year Produced - 1928-1935
Font/Burner - Center Draft
Chimney - Lox-on

Model 12 Lamp Styles
Nickel or Brass Straight Side
Nickel or Brass Slant Side

My New Lamp
I was really excited to get this lamp because of its center draft tube. I have only ever seen one lamp in person with a center draft tube and that was when I got to visit the Aladdin headquarters in Clarksville, TN. I really love the finish on this lamp.

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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