February 1, 2018

My Aladdin Collection: Satin White Venetian Model A (1932-1933)

Introducing the 12th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Venetians: Satin White (100)

The Venetians were produced between 1932 and 1933). These lamps are unique in that the font and foot screw together. You can see the screw when you look down into the font. The colored lamps are not moonstone like many of the Model B colored glass lamps. They are actually painted glass. It gives them a sort of pastel look to them. The Model A is sandwiched between the 12 and the B which have very similar wick raisers. The A is completely unique. It introduced a ring that surrounds the wick. Obviously it wasn't well liked, because when the B came around, they went back to the 2-pronged wick clip.

Venetian Lamp Details
Model - A
Year Produced - 1932-1933
Font/Burner - Side Draft
Chimney - Lox-on

Venetian Lamp Styles
99 - Clear
100 - White
101 - Green
102 - Peach
103 - Rose

My New Lamp
A new model to my collection! There are so many different Model Bs, so they make up the bulk of my collection. I was anxious to add the Model A because there are so few of them around. I chose this white lamp because I didn't really care for the other colors. The clear is actually the highest value of them all, and I almost had one, but decided against it because it had a large bubble in the glass. Looking back, I kind of wish I would have gotten it anyway. Regardless, I really like the look of this lamp.  The burner, however, leaves a lot to be desired. It's pretty dirty and gross. I cleaned it up a little, but it could use some more work.

As I started disassembling the burner to look at and photograph the parts, I was saddened to see that the wick raiser was broken :(. It broke in 2 places. I don't think it broke in shipping since it is pretty secure in the center of the burner. I'm guessing it was broken before that, or possibly it was cracked and broke when I tried to remove the outer wick tube, which was stuck. I did my best to super glue it back together and it stayed together when I put it back in. But, the metal is very thin, so there is not much surface area for the glue, so with just a little pull, I'm sure it will come right apart. I may look for a replacement one.

Another thing that leaves a lot to be desired is the wick. It is very dirty and gross from fuel. I made the mistake of not photographing the entire burner with the wick before taking it apart. As I started pulling it out, I was having some difficulty. I thought maybe I should just leave it in, because what if I can't get it back in. I decided to go ahead, because I wanted to photograph all of the individual parts, as I've done for all of my lamps. I also wanted pictures to document the steps for installing the wick (like I've done for all of my other models...always thinking about training!). So, I continued to pull and pull, and it finally came out. I took all my pictures, and then it was time to put the wick back in. With some tweezers, I was able to get the first tail through the channel. However, the second tail put up a fight like I've never experienced with any of my other old lamps. I pushed and pulled and poked. I wrapped the end of the fluffy wick with an Index card and heavy tape, but that thing would not budge. There is barely any space in the channel with the gear for the wick raiser knob. This I knew because it was addressed with the introduction of the Model B which specifically tried to create as much room as possible. Still, I thought if I could just get it so I could pull it from the bottom, I would be able to get it. I pulled and pulled on the Index tab I created, and it just would not move. I even pulled it out and tried switching the tails, thinking the other one might be slimmer. Same problem. I fought with it way longer than I should have and got absolutely nowhere. So, I don't think that original wick is going back in that burner. I may look for a replacement A wick on eBay and give that a try. The good news is that I did get enough information from my trial that I think I can successfully write the instructions for installing a wick. So, at least there's that.

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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