January 22, 2018

My Aladdin Collection: Model 6 Nickel Table Lamp (1914)

Introducing the 10th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model 6s: Nickel Table Lamp (101)

The Model 6 was produced between 1914 and 1917.  Model 6 fonts closely resemble previous models. Fun Fact: in 1915, the Aladdin Model 6 won the gold medal and blue ribbon at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. 

Nickel Table Lamp Details
Model - 6
Years Produced - 1914-1917
Font/Burner - Center Draft
Chimney - Heel-less

Model 6 Lamp Styles
101 - Nickel or Satin Brass Table Lamp

My New Lamp
I was so excited to win the bid on this lamp! This lamp officially becomes my oldest lamp! It is over 100 years old!!! Not only is it my 10th vintage lamp, it is also my 12th overall. I now have a dozen Aladdin lamps! Hi, my name is Lori, and I'm addicted to Aladdin lamps.

This lamp is gorgeous! I love how shiny the finish still is for as old as it is. There are a couple places where it is worn, but they are very small and aren't too noticeable. It is by far my shiniest lamp. I could not wait to get this lamp to investigate the old parts. I love the flower filler cap! Such a small and sort of insignificant part, but I've really wanted a lamp that had one. I was really surprised at how tiny the burner seemed compared to other models. It is quite different from the other lamps I have. It is not my first Center Draft lamp, but it is the first one to have the extra tall inner wick tube that is attached to the font and actually goes up into the burner. I was really glad that this lamp had an original wick with it. Like the Model 7 wick raiser, it looks really complicated to install. Since it already has one installed, I did not want to take it apart because I'm quite certain I would not be able to get it back together without destroying it. The wick looks well-used. It is the first lamp I have received that smells like it had fuel in it very recently. It was even a little moist in some places.

I am however, trying to figure out just exactly if this entire lamp is a 6 or a combination of a 5 with a 6 burner. There are plenty of things to look at when trying to determine exactly what I have, but I am still confused!
  • Wick Raiser Knobs: there are 2 wick raiser knobs for Model 6. One includes the dates 1915-1916 and the other is the same, but does not include the date. The Model 6 is the only model to have a date stamped on the wick raiser knob. In 1914 and 1917 there was no dated printed on the knob. My lamp does not have the date. 
  • Flame Spreaders: there are 5 different flame spreaders associated with the Model 6. Mine says "Aladdin Model 6" which is one of the earlier designs, so this leads me to believe that my burner is from 1914.
  • Burner/Outer Wick Tube: early versions had insulated burners and an insulated inner wick tube, with the switch to uninsulated occuring possibly in 1915 or 1916. The burner on my lamp appears to be insulated based on the radial creases on the outer wick tube. This would also support the burner being from 1914.
wick raiser knob
flame spreader
outer wick tube

Now, for the lamp itself, this is where we might have a problem:
  • Filler Cap: the Model 6 is the last model to feature the filler cap with a flower design. Models 1-5 had a vent hole, while apparently late Model 5s and Model 6s did not have a vent. Mine has the vent hole, which would suggest that it is either a Model 5 or maybe tthe lamp is a 6 and the filler cap is a replacement and not original to the lamp.
  • Inner Wick Tube: the inner wick tube has 3 small holes for venting which was done on late Model 5s and Model 6s. So, this supports either theory above - it could be a 5 or a 6!
  • Chime: the chime is the radial line around the center of the font. The chime on Model 5s is more flat, while Model 6 chimes are more rounded. I have studied pictures and I honestly can't tell which mine is! This would probably be the deciding factor, if I can determine which it is!

filler cap
inner wick tube

Based on all of those things, I REALLY would like to think that my entire lamp is a Model 6 and was made in 1914.

UPDATE: I asked the Facebook group I belong to for some help, and one member said he has 2 Model 6s that have both the vented inner wick tube and filler cap, and found that some Model 6 filler caps did have a vent hole. He believes that I have a complete 6. So, yay! I'll take it!

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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