February 1, 2018

My Aladdin Collection: White w/ Black Moonstone Quilt Model B (1937)

Introducing the 13th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model B Quilts: 
White w/ Black Moonstone (B-90)

The Quilts were produced in 1937. Quilt lamps are really easy to identify. The font has a checkered pattern. A keen eye will notice that the foot looks very similar to that of the Vertique. There is a very slight difference in the edging, but to the naked eye, the pattern looks identical. The font and the foot are connected with a metal connector piece that is also similar to the Vertique and the Corinthian. 

Quilt Lamp Details
Model - B
Year Produced - 1937
Font/Burner - Side Draft
Chimney - Lox-on

Quilt Lamp Styles
B-85 - White Moonstone
B-86 - Green Moonstone
B-90 - White Moonstone font w/ Black Moonstone Foot
B-91 - White Moonstone font w/ Rose Moonstone Foot

My New Lamp
I was really excited to get this lamp! I almost had one several weeks ago, but was viciously outbid at the very last second! What a bummer! For this style, I decided to go with a mix-and-match style, wher the font is one color and the foot is another color. Aladdin didn't make any all-black lamps (that I'm aware of), but there are a couple that have a black foot like this. I really like the look of the black and white. I also really love the quilted pattern of the font. So unique!

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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