February 28, 2018

My Aladdin Collection: Model 2 Nickel Table Lamp (1910)

Introducing the 17th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model 2s: Nickel Table Lamp (101)

The Model 2 was produced in 1910 - 108 years ago! That was just a year after the Model 1. This Model 2 is now officially my oldest lamp, overtaking the previous earliest, the Model 6. Like the Model 6, the font is actually the same style - Style 101. The main difference is the burner.

Unique to the Model 2 is the words "Made In USA" imprinted on the back of the wick raiser knob. What a neat detail! It is not noticeable unless you know to look for it. The flame spreader for the Model 2 is also unique to only this model.

Nickel Table Lamp Details
Model - 2
Year Produced - 1910
Font/Burner - Center Draft
Chimney - Heel-less

Model 2 Lamp Styles
101 - Nickel Table Lamp

My New Lamp
Finally! I have been so close to getting this model on a couple of occasions, and every time, I would be outbid at the last moment. Not this time! I did spend a little more than I wanted to, and a little more than what it's worth, but to me, it was worth it. I really want the very early lamps, that are pretty rare and in demand. This lamp is in great condition for its age, so I was willing to go a little over on it. I feel like now I won't feel so desperate to get a 3, 4, or 5, because I've got one of the earliest models. Of course, I would absolutely LOVE to get my hands on a Model 1, but...I'm not holding my breath for that one. I think it will take a miracle.

The Model 2 is widely known as a "transition" lamp. The Aladdin Model 1 had just come out only a year prior and they were working fast to continue improvement of the lamp's functionality. As a result, there are quite a few known variations to the Model 2, and many may have only been produced for a month or two before another change was rolled out. I think my lamp would be considered a mid-to-late Model 2 because:
  • Gallery: Early galleries had a raised center with dimples, while late galleries did not have a raised center and required the new Kone Kap mantles. My gallery has a raised center without dimples which was common on mid production models.
  • Air Distributor: Early air distributors were the same as the Model 1, in that they were 1 piece. Mine is a 2-piece air distributor ,which was common on later models.
  • Wick Raiser Knob: Early wick raiser knobs still used the screw stop like the Model 1. Mine does not have the screw stop on the wick raiser knob, which was common on later models.
  • Inner Wick Tube: Early inner wick tubes had 2 flame spreader stops, one for the original Model 1 and for the new Model 2. Mine only has 1 stop.
  • Font: Early models did not have radial ribbing on the under side of the font bowl, while later models have it. Mine has the ribbing.
Gallery Air Distributor
Wick Raiser Knob

Inner Wick Tube Font

I really wish I knew the history of this lamp (and really all that have found their way into my collection). I'm literally holding history in my hands! Whose home was this lamp in back in 1910? What was happening in the world at the time that it was lighting up the family living room for the first time? It would be so neat to know!

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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