July 29, 2019

My Aladdin Lamp Collection: The "VertiLincoln" (2019)

The 47th Aladdin Gathering was such a blast! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go! For only the second time ever, we offered Mix-and-Match glue-ups. The first time was for the Wooster Meet in April and it was a big hit. Collectors had the opportunity to pick a bowl and a pedestal of their choice - color and style, plus nickel or brass hardware to create their very own, hand-picked lamp creation. The best part was the opportunity to see their lamp come to life before their eyes, as Chuck glued it up for them.

I really wanted to take part in this awesome opportunity, and I wanted to make my choice before we opened our table to make sure the parts I wanted weren't sold out. I had thought about it for a few days, but I knew I was going to have to try everything out in order to make my choice. I kind of thought I wanted something vaseline because I don't have any of that in my collection yet. I also thought I might want something cobalt, because I don't have anything cobalt in my collection yet (still waiting on that Cobalt Scalloped Tall Lincoln Drape). Since there was only a vaseline foot (no bowls), I started with that one...and it was the ONLY one we had. We had a couple different cobalt bowls - one from the Grand Vertique and one from the Alexandria. I grabbed the Grand Vertique first, I tried that on top. Bingo! It was beautiful! Cobalt was the only color we had that would look right on the vaseline foot. Emerald Green and Honey Amber would do absolutely nothing for it, and would look terrible. I didn't even think to try the cobalt Alexandria. I loved the way these two pieces looked together and I was sold, this was it. Everyone else agreed that they were really digging it. I'm calling it the "VertiLincoln", combining Grand Vertique and Lincoln Drape :). It kind of just slipped out as we were trying different names, and it was so funny but really kind of had a ring to it.

My piece is going to have some interesting history. Technically it was "born" in 2019. However, the pedestal is marked "2012" (all modern Lincoln Drapes have the date imprinted on the bottom). The bowl was made for the Cobalt Grand Vertique Signature Series Lamp that debuted in 2018.

I made sure to take some "before" pictures, and I told Chuck that I wanted to take some pictures of him making it, and I even did video on part of it, too. How cool, to have my own one-of-a-kind lamp that I designed, and watch it being built. I had Chuck sign my certificate, so I think I have a really cool story to go with this awesome souvenir from the Gathering. I can honestly say that this is the only lamp like this in the world. I took the one and only vaseline foot, so no one else at the Gathering could make the same combination that I did.

We also had fun making a "tree" lamp for Jenni, made of an Emerald Grand Vertique bowl and Honey Amber Grand Vertique foot. It ended up being the talk of the Gathering when matched with a "throw-away" shade no one liked on its own, but when paired with the lamp was simply perfect! Jenni and I repaid Chuck for our lamps by putting together a lamp for him and his wife. That was so much fun!

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