January 5, 2018

TV Ironicness

It happened again...something way too weird to be coincidental. Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else? So, last night, 2 shows that I watched both featured an on-air radio program in which a guest was being interviewed. Strange? Yes...but that's not where this coincidence ends! Both interviewees had stage fright and got all nervous as soon as the program started. And that's still not all! The person being interviewed was interrupted by someone pressing a button to make a farting sound! Seriously! WHAT are the odds?!

OK, so the 2 shows? The first one was the newest episode of Chicago Fire. Brian was on a local radio program to promote their new bar. He was so nervous he couldn't remember the name of the bar. As a result, the hosts had some fun with him and every time he tried to say the name of the bar, they made the farting noise. Later, I was watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix. This is NOT a current show, in fact the episode I watched was from 2011. In the season 3 episode, Ben was on a radio show to promote the Harvest Fest. Both on the radio show and on TV he freezes up when he is live. And again, on the radio show, it involved the farting noise during his interview.

Totally crazy, right?! It's not just me, right?! I could have watched that Parks and Rec episode any time and it just so happens it's immediately after the other instance.

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