January 13, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #11

Jan. 13, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #11

Mom and I were talking about the eye exam that they make you do when you go to renew your driver's license. The last 2 times I have gone, I have had the hardest time reading the letters and numbers. So much so that I've almost failed both times! By sheer luck and good guessing, I have been able to squeak by. This guessing involved a lot of squinting. This made me think of the episode where Jerry and George debate George's squinting abilities. George thinks he is a phenomenal squinter because he once squinted his way down a windy mountain road and spotted raccoons along the way! He then squints and sees a dime on the floor in Jerry's apartment. Jerry tells George that what he thought were raccoons were actually mailboxes and he didn't have the heart to tell him.

This clip isn't the exact one I was looking for, but it is the same episode. Jerry references him spotting the dime, though, as George mistakes an onion for an apple.

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