January 8, 2018

My Aladdin Collection - Amber Colonial Model B (1933)

Introducing the 7th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model B Colonials: AMBER CRYSTAL (106)

The Colonials were produced in 1933 and were the first lamps with the Model B burner. Colonials are pretty easy to distinguish from other lamps by the unique "hobnail" pattern on the font, which looks like tiny bumps. 

Queen Lamp Details
Model - B
Year Produced - 1933
Font/Burner - Side Draft
Chimney - Lox-on

Queen Lamp Styles
104 Clear Crystal
105 Green Crystal
106 Amber Crystal

My New Lamp
The first thing I noticed with the newest lamp was how short it is! It is by far the shortest lamp in my collection.I was anxious to see just exactly what shade of amber this lamp would turn out to be. Amber is notorious for being MANY different shades and hues in the various Aladdin lamp styles, ranging from a light almost olive green color to very deep "bottle" browns. I would say this particular lamp is maybe somewhere in between. It also depends on how the light is hitting it. I think, in certain light, it actually resembles my November birthstone, the Topaz, quite nicely :)

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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