January 17, 2018

My Aladdin YouTube Training Videos

Last year, I was asked by the VP of Crownplace Brands (Lehman's wholesale division, and new owner of the Aladdin brand) if they could video my Aladdin training that I do for our CSRs. They wanted to have some updated training and informational videos that could be posted on the Crownplace and Aladdin websites. I am not a huge fan of being on camera, but I agreed to do it. Being a perfectionist, I would LOVE to do these all over again because I know I could do them better, but they are what they are. They were happy with the results, so I guess I should be OK with them too. I was impressed that they were able to take my 2 hour class and condense it down to 11 different videos. They used parts of the actual slides that I used in the training, so this is pretty much all me.

The videos have been posted for exactly one year and have gotten quite a few views, which I guess is pretty cool. I hope people are finding them helpful. I thought since I've started documenting my Aladdin collecting adventures that I should post my contribution to Aladdin training and education.

So without further ado, here is a playlist of all 11 videos. Enjoy!

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