February 25, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #53

Feb. 25, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #53

The timing of this one's kind of ironic...I was on Twitter this morning, and Ian Terry (from Big Brother) posted this:

"Pretty neat discussion at breakfast -- "Seinfeld" and "Home Improvement" = best 1990s' sitcoms. Were other shows at the time even trying?"

I thought this was pretty funny, so I commented: "And both are still pretty relevant today. My "Seinfeld-loving" friends and I have at LEAST 1 Seinfeld reference a day!"

Literally, like 10 minutes later, Diane and I had the following reference: We were trying to talk around a pole, and each of us kept leaning the wrong way and we kept missing each other. This reminded me of when the Seinfeld group were forced to sit at the counter in the coffee shop because the booth was taken. None of them could see who was talking and Jerry and Kramer kept leaning around George and kept going the wrong way.

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