February 12, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #41

Feb. 11, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #41

Two days ago, I had a Seinfeld thing, but it was pretty minor, so I wasn't going to include it in my tally. However, last night, something happened that made this worth noting.

So, two days ago, I dropped a grape on the floor and it rolled under the dishwasher slightly. As I bent down to pick it up (it was kind of out of view), I thought about when Elaine said she dropped a grape in her kitchen and then couldn't find it. It was just a brief thought, and then it passed. Last night, I'm watching Seinfeld, and lo and behold, what episode is on? The one with the grape comment! Out of the 180 episodes there are, that one aired the day after I thought about it.

Unfortunately, this is not a very popular reference, so I couldn't find a video clip of it. So, second best thing, here is the script:

Elaine joining Jerry and George at the coffee shop...

Elaine: I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm late.
Jerry: No problem.
Elaine: I dropped a grape.
George: Pardon?
Elaine: I dropped a grape in the kitchen and it disappeared. I couldn't find it. I was...I was literally on my knees for 10 minutes looking for this stupid grape. I have no idea where it went.
Jerry: Were you crying? I mean, it's just a grape. You'll find it.


Jerry: You better find that grape before it mutates into another life form. There was once a mutant grape that terrorized an entire town in the Texas panhandle. They brought in the army, nobody could stop it. Apparently it had a pit of steel.

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