February 14, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #43

Feb. 14, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #43

Today, Mark posted this video on Facebook: Goats yelling like humans...

The first clip reminded me of when Jerry and George start doing this "voice". Long story short, it's a made-up voice that Jerry says is his girlfriend's belly button talking to him. He tells her about it, she gets upset and he agrees not to do the voice any more. Later, Jerry yells out to her from a window to try to warn her that a giant ball of oil is going to fall on her. Him yelling sounds like the voice and she says she's not going to look up if he's going to do that voice. So, unfortunately, she doesn't listen and is hit with the ball of oil.

Judge for yourself, but I think it's spot-on! See :41 for the closest "hello" to the first goats in the video above.

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