February 26, 2013

Twitter Response from Aras!

Today I got a response on Twitter from Aras Baskauskas! I was so excited! I love him!

Who is Aras? In 2006, he was the winner of Survivor Season 12: Panama-Exile Island.

A little bit about Aras:

He is of Lithuanian decent and has both Lithuanian and American citizenship. His grandfather is Macdonald Carey, who was an actor on Days of our Lives. Aras actually appeared once on the show in 1988 as one of the children listening to Tom Horton (played by Carey) reading The Christmas story.

Since Survivor, he has been focusing on his music career. He performs under the stage name "Odd Us" (which is similar to how his first name is actually pronounced). He released his first album "The Tree and the River" in 2011.

Music Ironicness: Kellie Pickler - I Wonder

Today the cast for the next season of Dancing with the Stars was announced just today. Kellie Pickler was announced as one of the celebrities competing. After the announcement, one of Kellie's 2 songs that I have in my library played. I can't tell you the last time I listened to one of her songs...it's been a long time! So ironic, that one would randomly play today of all days. Remember, I have over 7,000 songs in my collection!

Seinfeld Reference #54

Feb. 26, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #54

This one was short, but sweet. I sneezed...Shelley said "You're sooo good lookin'." This is the phrase that Jerry said people should say instead of "God bless you."

Watch the clip here

February 25, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #53

Feb. 25, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #53

The timing of this one's kind of ironic...I was on Twitter this morning, and Ian Terry (from Big Brother) posted this:

"Pretty neat discussion at breakfast -- "Seinfeld" and "Home Improvement" = best 1990s' sitcoms. Were other shows at the time even trying?"

I thought this was pretty funny, so I commented: "And both are still pretty relevant today. My "Seinfeld-loving" friends and I have at LEAST 1 Seinfeld reference a day!"

Literally, like 10 minutes later, Diane and I had the following reference: We were trying to talk around a pole, and each of us kept leaning the wrong way and we kept missing each other. This reminded me of when the Seinfeld group were forced to sit at the counter in the coffee shop because the booth was taken. None of them could see who was talking and Jerry and Kramer kept leaning around George and kept going the wrong way.

February 22, 2013

Big Celebrity Day On Twitter!

What an exciting day for me on Twitter! Dan Gheesling and William Holman! So, who are these guys, you might wonder. Well...

Dan was on one of my favorite reality shows ever, Big Brother. He won Season 10 in 2008. He then competed on Season 14, when he came back as one of the coaches for a new group of houseguests. Dan is smart, funny, strategic...you name it. He almost won Season 14, which should have been an almost impossible task as a returnee AND a previous winner. He ended up coming in 2nd to his protoge Ian.

Today on Twitter, he made reference to Office Space and I just had to comment. Imagine my surprise when he replied to my comment! Here is the conversation:

The other exciting thing for today was from William Holman. He was a bachelor on The Bachelorette for Emily's season. I fell in love with him from the start. He's from Ohio, which is cool. He's also frickin' hilarious! He was the funny goofball on the show, and he's still so funny. His tweets make me laugh every day...which is what I commented to him today. His tweet was:

"If life hands you lemons, you probably did something wrong."

I thought it was funny, so I commented a compliment to him, and he favorited it!

I also gained a new follower...someone I've never heard of...so I decided to check him out. His name is AJ Edwards. Hes a singer/songwriter. I checked out some of his music, and wow...really liked it!

Seinfeld Reference #51 & 52

Feb. 22, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #50

This one is related to Reference #50 yesterday (the butter shave). Diane was telling Shelley about the peanut butter shave and we were talking about how it would probably be too thick to use to shave with. Someone said that it's so sticky the hair might stick to it and be pulled out. I said, yeah, like a wax. And "like a bandaid...right off!". A quote from Jerry to George about breaking up quickly.

Watch the clip here (sorry, this was the only clip of this quote that I could find)

Feb. 22, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #51

Today a salesman came into the office and Amy took his business card. After he left, she made an outburst and said "Smell his card!" His card smelled like it had been dipped in cologne. This provoked quite an odd conversation about colognes, and it made me think of when Kramer wanted to make a cologne that smelled like the ocean.

And this episode just happened to have been on the last night...weird!

February 21, 2013

Seinfeld References #49 & 50

Feb. 20, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #49

Yesterday, my friend Diane was sick. To make her feel better, I wanted to post a Seinfeld video for her when I got home from work, but I forgot! I was going to post the "Get Well" song that Elaine's work used.

Feb. 21, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #50

Diane found an article that talked about using peanut butter to shave with. This reminded us of Kramer's "butter shave."

Survivor Erik Reichenbach Retweeted Me!

So, today, I saw this picture online and I just had to laugh. Poor Erik...it looked like he had antlers! It was so good, I decided to tweet it to him. A few hours later, he retweeted it!

Side note, I love this picture of the Favorites. Why is Phillip the only one not looking in the same direction as everyone else?

Music Ironicness: The Rasmus - Funeral Song

So, had another strange musical occurrence today. At lunch a co-worker was talking about a couple of separate calling hours that they had to attend in the next couple nights. When I got back from lunch, one of the songs I heard was: The Rasmus song "Funeral Song". Ironic, no?

February 20, 2013

Twitter Convo With Shawn Hantz!

Tonight during Survivor I got a response from one of the Hantz brothers! If you've read my earlier posts, you saw that Shawn Hantz is following me...tonight I commented on a Tweet and he replied!

February 18, 2013

Seinfeld References #47 & 48

Feb. 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #47

A frustrating day of trying to learn new software at work had us thinking that we were in the Bizarro World: up was down, down was up...everything was working opposite to the way that it should. The Bizarro World was where there exact doubles of Jerry, George, Kramer and Newman...but exact opposites. The Bizarro Jerry's apartment was even an exact replica, but the mirrored opposite.

Feb. 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #48

At times it was so frustrating, that I wanted to shout out "Serenity now!" This was a phrase that George's dad's self-help tape told him to use to try to calm down...but he always yelled it.

February 16, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #45 & 46

Feb. 16, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #45

Went to Applebee's with Heather and Jess, the wait was 20-25 minutes. It reminded us of the Chinese Restaurant episode where they were told 5-10 minutes, but were left waiting forever, and then finally after they leave, their table is called.

Feb. 16, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #46

After Applebee's, we went to see the move Safe Haven and during the previews, they show that no cameras, etc. are permitted during the movie. Heather said, jokingly that she had considered bootlegging the movie. This was a reference to the episode where Kramer's friend is a bootlegger and he talks Jerry into filming a couple of movies for him.

Celebrity Twitter Follow Requests

Apparently lately I've been getting a lot of Twitter attention from celebrities...pretty cool! It started off with John Lehr from 10 Items or Less (one of my favorite shows).

I love that I even got a request from one of my favorite TV characters: Phil Dunphy from Modern Family!

Tyler Matl is an up-and-coming singer who lists Howie Day as one of his biggest inspirations, so yeah, he has really good taste! I watched a bunch of his videos online and this kid is pretty good! Not sure how he found me or why he sent me a request, but it will be pretty cool to know that I knew of him before he makes it big.

Natalie Gray is a funny stand-up comedian and actress. I think she might have also been on the reality show Last Comic Standing. Again, not sure how she found me or why she sent me a request.

I also received a request from one of my favorite boy bands 5ive!!!

My most recent request was from a Hantz! The famous Hantz family includes 3 brothers: Russell, Willie and Shawn and Shawn's son Brandon. Russell and Brandon have been on Survivor, Willie was on Big Brother and Shawn appeared on the reality show Flipped Off with Russell. They are the family you love to hate. I was following all of them, with the exception of Shawn. And lo and behold, who do I get a request from? Shawn! So, now I'm following him as well.

I spoke too soon! Just got another request from a celebrity! It's another comedian from Last Comic Standing...Dante.

February 15, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #44

Feb. 15, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #44

Today a friend said that she had eaten chocolate ice cream last night. And then this morning, she saw she had chocolate all over her hand. This led us into discussing the time when George was caught on a jumbotron scarfing down a hot fudge sundae, and he had it dripping all over his face.

Watch the clip here

February 14, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #43

Feb. 14, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #43

Today, Mark posted this video on Facebook: Goats yelling like humans...

The first clip reminded me of when Jerry and George start doing this "voice". Long story short, it's a made-up voice that Jerry says is his girlfriend's belly button talking to him. He tells her about it, she gets upset and he agrees not to do the voice any more. Later, Jerry yells out to her from a window to try to warn her that a giant ball of oil is going to fall on her. Him yelling sounds like the voice and she says she's not going to look up if he's going to do that voice. So, unfortunately, she doesn't listen and is hit with the ball of oil.

Judge for yourself, but I think it's spot-on! See :41 for the closest "hello" to the first goats in the video above.

February 13, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #42

Feb. 13, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #42

My friend Celesta posted on Facebook that people have a hard time getting her name right on the phone. I overheard Diane commenting on her post, and one thing led to another, and somehow the conversation turned into the Seinfeld reference of George's suggestions for his baby's name: Seven. Jerry also came up with some good ones: Mug and Bisquick, were just 2 of the good ones.

Watch the clip here

February 12, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #41

Feb. 11, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #41

Two days ago, I had a Seinfeld thing, but it was pretty minor, so I wasn't going to include it in my tally. However, last night, something happened that made this worth noting.

So, two days ago, I dropped a grape on the floor and it rolled under the dishwasher slightly. As I bent down to pick it up (it was kind of out of view), I thought about when Elaine said she dropped a grape in her kitchen and then couldn't find it. It was just a brief thought, and then it passed. Last night, I'm watching Seinfeld, and lo and behold, what episode is on? The one with the grape comment! Out of the 180 episodes there are, that one aired the day after I thought about it.

Unfortunately, this is not a very popular reference, so I couldn't find a video clip of it. So, second best thing, here is the script:

Elaine joining Jerry and George at the coffee shop...

Elaine: I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm late.
Jerry: No problem.
Elaine: I dropped a grape.
George: Pardon?
Elaine: I dropped a grape in the kitchen and it disappeared. I couldn't find it. I was...I was literally on my knees for 10 minutes looking for this stupid grape. I have no idea where it went.
Jerry: Were you crying? I mean, it's just a grape. You'll find it.


Jerry: You better find that grape before it mutates into another life form. There was once a mutant grape that terrorized an entire town in the Texas panhandle. They brought in the army, nobody could stop it. Apparently it had a pit of steel.

February 11, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #40

Feb. 11, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #40

My good friend Mark announced that he and his wife are going to have a baby. Upon hearing this news, Bruce steps out of his office and says "Isn't anyone going to say 'my boys can swim '". It blew us all away! Out of all of us Seinfeld lovers in the room, this comes from someone who has never engaged in any of our Seinfeld-isms. He then turned around and went back into his office like nothing ever happened.

The quote comes from George when he finds out that his girlfriend has missed her period.

February 10, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #39

Feb. 10, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #39

At Olive Garden today, we were waiting for one of our favorite waiters to come over and say "Hi". We kept waiting, and waiting, but he wasn't coming. I told Mom, "he couldn't just say 'hello'". This was a quote from George's dad when Jerry and Elaine didn't say "hello".

February 8, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #38

Jan. 8, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #38

Alyssa and I were talking about The Big Bang Theory and the recent evolution of Leonard's hair. For some reason, it's getting rather long in the back and it looks to be very greasy. We both think it's pretty gross. I don't remember who said it first, but we said that it looked like his shower had "low flow" and he needed a new shower head. This was a reference to when the shower heads in Jerry's apartment building were being changed to low flow. He, Kramer and Newman ended up with really flat hair as a result.

February 7, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #37

Today we (Lehman's) received a very late Christmas gift of chocolate from where we get our uniforms. Inside the chocolate box were also some small jingle bells. Glenda picked up the box and it jingled. Diane commented that you could tell where she was just like carrying tic-tacs. The Seinfeld reference was from when Elaine was being sidled by the sidler...a guy at work who would sneak up on you so quietly you didn't know he was there. She told him he had bad breath and gave him tic-tacs. Then when he walked you could hear him.

February 6, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #36

Feb. 6, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #36

The new seasonal catalogs have arrived at Lehman's. On the cover is a picture of Shelley's hands holding seeds. As she passed the catalog out, she said "yes, those are my hands, I'm a hand model." This is a reference to when George was a hand model.

February 5, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #34 & 35

Feb. 5, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #34

This morning at work, there was a mouse in the closet. Upon retelling another co-worker about how the mouse came out of the closet. Shelley said "it was in the closet and came out." Being "in the closet" and "coming out of the closet", are phrases used about being gay, so it made me think about when Jerry and George used the phrase, "not that there's anything wrong with that."

View the clip here

Feb. 5, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #35

Today on Twitter, Colton Dixon posted: "So, I'm not a morning person (for sure) Not a night owl (I become a zombie) Call me a mid day person :-)" This reminded me about when Elaine was being seduced by crazy Joe Davola. He was trying to get her to come into his dark room. She was reluctant after finding a ton of pictures that he had secretly taken of her. He asked her if she wanted to see his dark room and her response was, in a sing-song voice, "I'm a day person".

Strange and weird coincidence: I wasn't going to add this to my reference list, but I overheard Diane in the weekly marketing meeting, say "put the kibosh" on it (or something referring to "kibosh". I knew this was a Seinfeld reference, but I didn't remember that that was the same episode as this until I watched this clip! Whoa!

View the clip here

February 4, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #33

Feb. 4, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #33

Today at work, I was busy working on organizing paperwork for some JSAs (Job Safety Analysis). Diane walked by my desk, and I think I must have let out a little sigh. She asked if I was having fun. I replied, jokingly, that I was only acting annoyed in order to look busy.

George perfected this art. He said that people will leave you alone if you act annoyed or angry, because they will think you are really busy.

February 3, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #32

Feb. 3, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #32

Today at Wal-Mart, Mom and I were in the dog food aisle. There was a randomly placed McDonald's Cafe Latte sitting on one of the shelves. This reminded me of Kramer and his incident with Cafe Lattes.

February 1, 2013

Music Ironicness: Zox - A Little More Time

Today's ironic music moment...

Nancy commented to Shonda that she would like to be able to have an extra day in the week to get more done. The very next song that I listened to was Zox - A Little More Time. Granted, I happened to select this song (it didn't randomly play in my playlist like in the past), but...I didn't realize the ironicness until part way through the song. It wasn't intentional, just ironic.