January 12, 2013

Seinfeld References #6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Jan. 11, 2013: Seinfeld References #6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

House-warming party at Diane's house tonight...plenty of Seinfeld references to be had. Not on purpose, we promise!

#6: BO (yes, that's body odor)
Don't ask me how the discussion started about smelly people going into places of business (because I have no idea). Diane said that often smelly people come through her check-out line, and I asked her if the o goes when the b leaves, and she said "no". But this reference obviously is to Jerry's smelly car. The valet parked the car and his BO took over the car. His b (body) left the car, but the o (odor) remained and then attached itself to anyone and anything in the car.


#7: "Poppy peed on my sofa!"
Rachel spilled some of her coffee on her pants and the couch. Diane said it wasn't a big deal. I suggested turning the cushion over. This is what George did with Jerry's old couch that Poppy peed on.

#8: "Can you spare a square?"
Again, don't ask how this discussion started, but Diane's mom told a story of a visit to the store. She went in to use the restroom and there was no toilet paper. She luckily had a napkin in her coat. Upon leaving, the woman in the next stall said she didn't have any toilet paper either. Of course, this prompted the "can you spare a square?" from when Elaine was in a similar situation. Only in this case, the woman in the next stall said that she didn't have a square to spare. Elaine then pulls the same trick on the woman later as payback.


#9: "It's all pipes!"
We were talking about training cats and dogs to use the toilet. Rachel said that when her dog was small, he used to pee in the shower. This immediately made me think of when George peed in the shower at the gym and someone turned him in. He felt he did nothing wrong because it all goes the same place, "it's all pipes!"

#10: "You gotta see the baby!"
Diane's mom was talking about a child that was not very cute. This reminded us of the ugly baby episode, where Jerry's friend kept begging them to come see their baby. Once they finally did, they found the baby to be very ugly.

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