January 3, 2013

Songs for 2013: A New Year's Resolution

It's no secret that I love music. My personal mp3 collection is quite extensive...7,870 songs to be exact (and still growing). You may have seen a post I did a long time ago: "About A Girl: My Life In Song Titles". Um, yeah...I live music. Ha! That was actually a typo. I meant to say "love"! But yes, I "live" music too!

Every day--in the car, at work, doing chores, in the shower...I listen to music. I love my job, but music makes it that much more enjoyable. I usually use Google Play to shuffle my entire music collection because every day I can hear something different, and it's always something I like. Occasionally, I will listen to Pandora to discover new music...also fun!

A lot of times I find myself thinking, "oh I love this song, I need to share it on Facebook!" But, I usually forget. So, today I had made myself a note (I know, dorky!). Then it got me thinking..."wouldn't it be cool to share a song or 2 every day?" Today is January 3, why not make this my New Year's Resolution? Is it too late? I don't think so :) I never make a resolution, but this is going to be a fun one for me to keep. And to prove that I can actually post something for every day, I'll pick a song for Jan. 1 and 2, which I missed.

Music helps put me in a better mood, and many times, a song pops up randomly that either matches how I'm feeling or is ironic to a situation that just happened or reminds me of a distant memory. No matter what, it can always put me in a better mood. Maybe, my song picks can do the same for someone else.
Some days I may have a lot to say about my song choice(s), and some days I might just pick the song that I loved the most that day.

Life is a song...enjoy!


  1. I like it. Always looking for new songs.

  2. Good! I'm glad someone is looking forward to seeing my posts :)
