January 8, 2013

Music Ironicness--My Definition

Music fills my life. I listen to it ALL the time. It wakes me up in the morning via the alarm on my phone. I listen to it in the car. I listen to it in the shower. I listen to it when I'm cleaning or baking. I listen to it all day on my computer at work. Because so much of my day is filled with music, there are bound to be times where the music I'm listening to reflects what's going on around me. It's kind of freaky when it happens, but it's also pretty cool. I've already had times where I'm typing on the computer and I type the EXACT word that was being sung...at the EXACT SAME TIME!

I like to call these strange occurrences "music ironicness". I thought it would be fun to do a post when these strange things happen.

Stay tuned for these little pieces of randomness....

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