March 22, 2013

Music Ironicness: Weezer - Beverly Hills

Yesterday in training, I told my trainees to just pick a random customer and start an order. Mark put in a random number, and laughed at the name of the customer that came up: Beverly Hill. He said he just really wanted to add an s to the end of her name. We all had a good laugh. Then this morning, I was sharing this story with Shonda, and again, we had a good laugh about it...wondering if this was her maiden name or her married name. Then not long after (maybe an hour or so), I'm at my desk, working on my computer, Google Play is on usual. About halfway through the song, I realized what was playing: Weezer's "Beverly Hills"!!! So ironic! I can't tell you the last time I heard this song! It was so long ago. What are the odds?? I just love when this stuff happens, and I know Shonda always enjoys when I tell her "it happened again". Haha!

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