March 5, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #55

Mar. 5, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #55

I've been pretty involved with the implementation of new software at work...not as involved as the VPs, but still pretty involved. For some reason, I'm always forgotten about. Left out of email threads, they forget to tell me when they are having a meeting, or they forget to call me in when they start a meeting. It's becoming kind of a regular occurrence. So today, I knew there was a meeting after the Focus Group's daily meeting. The only way to know when our software meeting was going to begin was if someone came to get me. No one did. Afterwards, I get "sorry we forgot to call you in". Granted, I didn't really miss much, so it's not like it was a horrible's just the thought, and the fact that it seems to happen quite often. Story of my life. So where was I going with this? Oh yeah, Seinfeld. So, after this happened, it made me think about George Costanza and how the Yankees got really annoyed with him and they told him that they only wake him up for the important meetings. (In the clip below, the reference appears at the 3 minute mark.

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