March 6, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #56

Mar. 6, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #56

OK, so this reference is a rather long and ironic coincidence!

It all started with a forwarded email from Diane, that originated from Renee. Renee emailed Diane, saying that a co-worker reminded her of Puddy (one of Elaine's boyfriends; also Jerry's mechanic). Diane forwarded it to me and we exchanged a couple of emails back and forth about it:

Me: "lol! I never would have made that connection, but yeah, he kind of does! This is bad, because now everytime we see him, that's all we're going to think about and we'll expect him to say 'You stole my Jesus fish didn't you?'"
Diane: "or 'high five'"
Me: "Yes! Do you think he'd be offended if we call him 'grease monkey'?"
Diane: "wonder if he likes Arby's"

All of those quotes were from various Puddy references throughout his many appearances on the show. This video is a compilation that includes each one of those references (nice, huh?)...

Now, for what makes this so interesting? Just a little bit ago, I was on Twitter and saw that the Seinfeld account that I follow posted this:

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