November 14, 2015

Friend Requests

I often wonder what it might be like to have a couple of new Friend Requests every day. I'll probably never know, because I average about 1 new Friend Request every 5 or 6 months (yes, you read that right). I would get excited for every new request, but I can't tell you the last time I had a request from someone I actually knew. I don't know about anyone else, but I get random requests, not only from people I don't know, but from people so foreign that I can't even begin to pronounce their names.

And then today, this gem of a Friend Request notification popped up. Why yes, I would love to be friends with the extremely hot singer, Casey James!!! Oh wait...this former American Idol contestant and popular country singer only has 26 friends...and he wants to be friends with me?! I'm so flattered! Yeah, I totally believe this is him. Womp womp...

I can't stand people who create accounts posing as celebrities. Just not cool. If you're going to do it, at least label yourself as a fan page. This page has nothing. A profile pic, a header pic, and 26 friends. No bio, no anything. Granted, "he" might just have all of "his" info marked private, so I can only see it when we're "friends". Sorry, but I'm going to say "Delete Request" - I don't want "friends" that badly.

You'll thank me later "Casey James". I'm sure you wouldn't "Like" anything I post any way...just ask my current friends. Of my about 195 "friends", I'm usually lucky to get 2 or 3 Likes on anything I post. I know people see what I post because they tell me in person that they've seen and liked something I posted...but yet they don't actually take the time to "Like" it like they do for other people. I just find it very perplexing. Oh well, I have like 5 friends who do "Like" things I post, so I guess I'm doing it for them. know who you are. It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't based on how many Likes I get, or I would probably never leave my house.

Ha! And then in a weird twist of irony, I go to actually delete "Casey James's" Friend Request, and it says that there is no request to remove. Yes, fake Casey James revoked "his" request to be my friend. But good for "him" he now has 44 friends!

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