July 7, 2024

My Aladdin Lamp Collection: Model B Washington Drape, Amethyst Modification

 My New Lamp

This lamp was NOT on my list as I never knew it existed! It's not a true, valuable antique since it was modified. It is a Washington Drape with a plain stem, which was only produced as clear, amber, and green. Someone painted it the most beautiful amethyst purple and it is truly stunning! You would never know that it wasn't produced this way. Not only was the font painted, but so was the chimney! I've seen others done like this in either red or blue, but never purple. Not only is it purple, but it has an etched grape design! Tom said that it was done by Knight #1. For the life of me, I can't remember his name...will have to figure that out :). 

As with many of the lamps I've gotten recently, the way I acquired this lamp has an interesting story. It was at the 45th Easter Meet in Wooster. Prior to the show starting, we walked around to see what the other sellers had put out on their tables. Immediately, before we had gotten more than 10 feet away, I saw it...purple! I walked over and I knew I had to buy it! I didn't even know how much it was tagged for, but I think I would have paid almost anything for it. I picked it up and looked around, and guess whose lamp it was? My friend, Tom Sauro! Yet another lamp of his that somehow made it into my possession! Before saying anything, he said he'd give it to me for a price lower than the price on the tag. He's so nice! His lady friend, Carol Fanara asked to take a picture of me with the lamp because I looked so happy. 

For the rest of the show, I had the lamp behind our table for safekeeping. Later, a lady (wearing purple) stopped by and asked to see the lamp. Turns out, either Tom or Carol had told this lady that the lamp was going to be at the show, but apparently, I had beaten her to it! I was so glad I saw it when I did. I did feel a little bad and she seemed to make a joke of it at first...although she passed our table several times and every time, looked at the lamp and made a comment. I know she was disappointed she didn't get it.

When I got it home, it was like it was meant to be. It looked like it was made to go in my kitchen with my grape theme.

Click here to check out my entire photo album for this lamp.

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