December 4, 2023

My Aladdin Lamp Collection: Gathering Exlusive Fonts (2011-2024)

Gathering Lamp Details

Each year, the National Association of Aladdin Lamp Collectors, or the NAALC, presents a limited edition lamp font to sell to raise funds for the Gathering and other related costs. From 2011 to 2018, there were several 0500 Scallop Drape Footed Drape style fonts created in various colors. Another one was added in 2023 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Aladdin Gatherings. The 0500 mold appears to date back to 1940, however, the lamp wasn't put into production until 1955, coming with Model C burners. The original 0550s came in Alacite and clear, and did not have oil fills.

My New Lamp Fonts

I did not intend to start a mini collection, but, just like Aladdin collecting in general, it just kind of happened! Here is the story...

At the 48th Aladdin Gathering, in Louisville, Kentucky, I saw a particular font that I have been dying to add to my collection. I didn't really want to start getting any lamp fonts that didn't have burners, but this particular font was so interesting! It's a dark purple/blue carnival glass. It was something that we had in our warehouse to glue on the collars and filler collars/caps (which I somehow had forgotten about until I came across the pictures I had taken). I hadn't seen anyone that had this lamp for sale on eBay or at any previous Gatherings, so this was the first one. The catch with this one, though, was that it was being sold as a set...5 total Gathering exclusive fonts, as the one I wanted was part of a series. Well, when looking at what he was asking for them - all WITH burners - it was too good of a deal to pass up! This would be my first purchase from Tom Sauro, and it wouldn't end up being the last! From Tom, I got the following:

  • Vaseline (2014)
  • Ruby Red Carnival (2015)
  • Passion Pink (2016)
  • Hunter Green (2017)
  • Amethyst Carnival (2018) - this one was my reason for getting the entire collection!

I knew there were at least a couple of fonts missing from this collection, so I was on the lookout for the rest. It turns out, I didn't have to look too far. About 10 feet away to be exact, just across from our Crownplace display table, I noticed one I was missing! It happened to be on the table of another collector I know, Fred Stevenson! He was selling it as a complete lamp, mantle, chimney, and all. I was able to convince him to lessen the price to just give me the burner to match what I had for the others. And with that, I was only one lamp short of the full collection. The font I got from Fred was:

  • Royal Cobalt Blue (2011) - 285 made
The last lamp in the collection (at that time) was, seemingly, the most elusive of them all from 2012. That year there were 2 red lamps offered, the Pigeon Blood and the Art Glass Ruby. I would have taken either...whichever I could find first. 

Fast forward 1 year to the 49th Aladdin Gathering in Springfield, Missouri. We were getting ready to set up our table for the lamp show, and who did I run into? It was Tom Sauro. He immediately said he had something for me! I couldn't imagine what it was. To my total astonishment, it was the Pigeon Blood! We made the sale even before he could put it out on his table. I was so excited and shocked that he remembered that was what I needed and made a point to give me the first chance at it. I knew I was taking it home with me! 
  • Pigeon Blood Ruby (2012) - 85 made
Fast forward again to the 50th Gathering in Peoria, Illinois. The NAALC went back to the 0500 mold for the 50th Anniversary lamp. Of course, I needed to get this one to complete the collection.
  • Opal White (2023)
Now, I just hope they don't decide to add another lamp to this collection, because my lamp shelf is full!

Click here to check out my entire photo album for these lamps.

July 26, 2023

My Aladdin Lamp Collection: Model B Solitaire (1938)

 Introducing the 28th vintage lamp in my collection...

Model B White Moonstone Solitaire (B-70)

The Solitaire is highly sought after by collectors. There were only 1000 lamps produced in this style, and only one color - white moonstone. It has not been found in any printed sales literature and it has never been reproduced.

Solitaire Table Lamp Details
Model - B
Years Produced - 1938
Font/Burner - Side Draft
Chimney - Lox-On

Model B Solitaire Lamp Styles
B-70 – White Moonstone

My New Lamp
After adding the Cobalt Tall Lincoln Drape with Scalloped Foot, the Solitaire was next on my list. It is even more valuable than that one, so I wanted to make sure it was the right lamp at the right time. I've seen several for sale at previous Meets and Gatherings, but just couldn't pull the trigger. The 50th Gathering proved to be the right time. I made my rounds around the large showroom and the dozens upon dozens of lamps. All so beautiful and tempting! The first pass-through didn't have anything that jumped out to me. On the second time through though, I saw a beautiful Solitaire on a corner table. I picked it up and looked at the price. I thought there must be a flaw somewhere for that price, but I sure didn't see it. I set it down and went back to our table to think about it. It just seemed like too good of a deal to pass by. There was a second Solitaire from another seller that didn't look as nice and was listed for $800 more! Yikes! I pondered some more, and with some encouragement, I grabbed my checkbook.

I also knew this seller (Tom Sauro) and had bought several other lamps from him in the past, so I felt good about dealing with him. I made my way back to his table and coyly asked if the Solitaire was his and told him I was interested. His eyes perked up and he jumped out of his seat to grab it off the table for me. Without me asking him anything, he said he would sell it to me for $200 LESS than what he had it listed at!!! How awesome is that?! As I started making out my check, he said to make it out to Stewart Black (I guess it was actually his, but was selling it at Tom's table). He grabbed his table partner and introduced us. The man was Stewart's father, Dennis, who I found out used to be a U.S. Senator from Iowa. He proceeded to tell me that his two sons have each found a Solitaire out in the wild, and pulled out his phone to show me a picture of his one son with his lamp find at age 11 (I think)! His son, Stewart, took longer to find this one, but he was super proud of it. He proceeded to grab the lamp from Tom before he wrapped it and said he wanted me to look at something. I joked that he was going to show me something wrong with it now that I paid for it. He said he has seen many Solitaires in his day and this was the nicest one he has ever seen - not a mark on it. I think I got lucky! In another strange turn of events, we ended up sitting with Tom at the banquet, and after we sat down, Dennis and Stewart joined the table! It is always so neat to meet the previous owners of a lamp and to learn more about its origins.

Click here to check out my entire photo album for this lamp.