February 10, 2016

Pure. Creepy Ironicness!

Back to web proofing at work today. I've moved on to the Kitchen category and the Butchering sub-category. I have pulled up my next product to proof and compare the new and old sites. That product is the Single Hamburger Press. Andi comes over to ask me a question. She said she knows someone who wants to order our hamburger press, but a large quantity and was wondering if he would be able to get a discount. I stop in my tracks and ask her if she saw on our Google doc that that was the product I was working on. She said "no." I pointed to my computer screen and showed her what item I was working on. Our mouths both dropped in awe. We have 3600+ products pages on our website. How incredibly freaky that she would come up and ask me a totally random, and somewhat un-work related about the exact item out of 3600 that I'm working on. So weird!

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