February 28, 2016

Aladdin Lamp Sighting in The Walking Dead

Hey, looky there! I happened to notice an Aladdin lamp tonight on The Walking Dead! We didn't get a real good closeup, but the burner looks right, and that shade looks like an Aladdin shade. The lamp itself looks like a Lincoln Drape lamp.

I think there might actually be a matching lamp on the other night stand, just getting cut out of the picture.

Here's the lamp I think it is.

And here's the shade I think it is.

Update: It turns out we didn't sell the lamps to the production company directly, however, they were purchased through one of our wholesale dealers! Pretty cool!

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February 10, 2016

Pure. Creepy Ironicness!

Back to web proofing at work today. I've moved on to the Kitchen category and the Butchering sub-category. I have pulled up my next product to proof and compare the new and old sites. That product is the Single Hamburger Press. Andi comes over to ask me a question. She said she knows someone who wants to order our hamburger press, but a large quantity and was wondering if he would be able to get a discount. I stop in my tracks and ask her if she saw on our Google doc that that was the product I was working on. She said "no." I pointed to my computer screen and showed her what item I was working on. Our mouths both dropped in awe. We have 3600+ products pages on our website. How incredibly freaky that she would come up and ask me a totally random, and somewhat un-work related about the exact item out of 3600 that I'm working on. So weird!

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Music Ironicness

Yesterday, as I'm proofing web pages for the new Lehman's website, I'm getting frustrated because as always, it's taking forever to update and show my changes. So, I'm clicking Refresh over and over and over for what feels like forever. I utter under my breath "come on!"literally at the same time that the words are being sung in the song "Come On" by Green River Ordinance is playing in the background.

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February 8, 2016

Music Ironicness

Today, we had a very beautiful snowfall, which has been VERY rare this winter for us in Ohio. So naturally, it sparked a lot of conversation in the office. As everyone is talking about the snow, my random Google Play playlist of over 11,000 songs, begins playing Jordin Sparks's song "Walking on Snow". I think I only have one other song about snow in my collection, and that would be Shayne Ward's "Melt the Snow". Oops, just checked, and I do have another one: Keane's "Snowed Under". 3 "snow" songs out of 11,633. So either Google is just that smart to know that it's snowing outside, or it's just really ironic.

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February 4, 2016

Music Ironicness

I'm sitting there working away at web proofing, listening to my music. At the moment, it was Tyler Hilton's "Jenny". As I'm singing along (in my head), over my cubicle wall, I hear a co-worker asking another co-worker a question. That co-worker's name just happens to be Jenny. So, I'm singing "Jenny", and at the same time, I hear "Jenny, what category does this go in?" So weird!

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February 1, 2016

Music Ironicness and Twitter

I haven't had one of these in a long time! So, I'm at work, listening to my music on Google Play, like always. I saw that I had a notification on my phone, so I checked it to see what it was. It turns out I had a new Twitter follower: Gavin Mikhail! You probably don't know him, but I love his music. This really took me by surprise, because I haven't done much on Twitter for quite some time. I also don't follow Gavin. So this really was totally out of the blue.

What makes this more interesting is that, the next song (or maybe 2 songs later), as a song by Gavin! Out of the 11, 633 songs I have, just randomly minutes after he follows me, one of his songs plays!

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