February 13, 2014

Music Ironicness

So, this round of "Music Ironicness" isn't actually about a song I "heard", but it's still very ironic. I was watching a video from one of my favorite people, Tim Dormer, winner of Big Brother Australia 2013. He is awesome, and I just love him. He's such a goofball, and he cracks me up on a daily basis. Any way, his most recent video is of him finding the love of his life: a baby puppy, who is calling Meat Loaf. Tim tends to name all of his animals after musicians. He loves guinea pigs and had literally dozens of them, and they were named things like Lady Gaga, Steven Tyler...you get the picture. So, his newest pet, is named after the singer Meat Loaf. As Tim is snuggling with his new little puppy, he starts singing "I would do anything or love..." which is one of Meat Loaf's songs. It's been a long time since I've heard that song. So the ironic part is that I was perusing my Bloglovin blog newsfeed, and there was an article titled "Meat Loaf Explains What the "That" is in "I'd Do Anything For Love"! Whoa! What are the odds? One in a million? Probably. The song is from 1993, why on earth would this be a news topic in 2014? So strange...

Here is Tim's video:

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