February 24, 2014

Music Ironicness: Enrique Iglesias - I Will Survive

Today was an extremely long and stressful day of training. During my lunch break, I was back at my desk, and I turned on some music. The first song that came on was Enrique Iglesias's "I Will Survive". I thought...yes, I WILL survive this!

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February 21, 2014

Seinfeld Reference #124

Seinfeld Reference #124
For some reason, Bella was insanely gassy. Mom and I were trying to work on putting some manuals together, and Bella felt it necessary to parade herself on and around all our papers, plus just plop herself down, and toot and toot and toot! She's never been that bad before. It was so smelly, and we just kept laughing. It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer fed Rusty the horse Beef-a-rino and he got gassy on the handsome cab ride. Kramer yells out: "Rusty! Rusty!"

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February 19, 2014

Music Ironicness

Today was a very rough day. Lots of problems just kept coming my way, one after another. Right at the point I was really feeling the pressure the most, the song "When I Look to the Sky" by Train came on. The first few lyrics of the song are "When it rains, it pours". And that is exactly how I was feeling!

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February 13, 2014

Music Ironicness

So, this round of "Music Ironicness" isn't actually about a song I "heard", but it's still very ironic. I was watching a video from one of my favorite people, Tim Dormer, winner of Big Brother Australia 2013. He is awesome, and I just love him. He's such a goofball, and he cracks me up on a daily basis. Any way, his most recent video is of him finding the love of his life: a baby puppy, who is calling Meat Loaf. Tim tends to name all of his animals after musicians. He loves guinea pigs and had literally dozens of them, and they were named things like Lady Gaga, Steven Tyler...you get the picture. So, his newest pet, is named after the singer Meat Loaf. As Tim is snuggling with his new little puppy, he starts singing "I would do anything or love..." which is one of Meat Loaf's songs. It's been a long time since I've heard that song. So the ironic part is that I was perusing my Bloglovin blog newsfeed, and there was an article titled "Meat Loaf Explains What the "That" is in "I'd Do Anything For Love"! Whoa! What are the odds? One in a million? Probably. The song is from 1993, why on earth would this be a news topic in 2014? So strange...

Here is Tim's video:

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February 11, 2014

New Celebrity Twitter Followers

I've gained a few new celebrity reality star Twitter followers for my Reality Bites Twitter account, which is for my Reality Bites blog.

1) Julian Tocker
Julian aka "Julz", has been a dancer on Dancing With The Stars. He's never been a pro, but he's been in the troupe.

2) Katie Gallagher
Katie as on Survivor Season 10 in Palau. She came in 2nd place behind Tom Westman.

3) Emily O'Brien
Emily was a bachelorette on The Bachelor on Ben's season.

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February 3, 2014

Music Ironicness: Green Day - Basket Case

So, I was in the process of putting together my "Songs of the Day" blog post. I was on the last song: Green Day's "Basket Case". I found the video, and was putting the link in my blog. I flip over to Facebook while the video is playing, and there is a post from Green Day about how the album Dookie is 20 years old! I couldn't remember if this song was on that album or not. I knew it was an old one, but couldn't remember which album it came from. Sure enough, it was Dookie! What are the odds! And how in the heck can this song be 20 years old? I feel so old! I remember this song being played on the radio on the school bus when I was in junior high...which was...a long time ago. OK, I guess 1994 was a long time ago!

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February 2, 2014

Seinfeld Reunion Awesomeness

It's been rumored: a Seinfeld reunion was coming soon...very soon. Surprise, surprise this reunion took place during the Super Bowl of all places! Fastforwarding through the game just to watch the commercials all paid off with this juicy little nugget!

It is a combination of the Seinfeld we all know and love, and Jerry's new web show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. How cool! It was great to see Jerry and George as their old characters, in a new setting. We even get an appearance from Newman!

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