January 8, 2014

Music Ironicness

A couple of strange music things happened yesterday:

1) The random song that was playing was Katy Perry's "Wide Awake". In the song there is a line that goes "...falling from cloud nine". At the time that that line played, I was scrolling through some songs and exactly when she sang "nine" I was looking at the Casey James song "Jealous Guy", that appeared on Season 9 of American Idol (and I have that as the album title). So she was singing "nine" and I was looking at "9" at the same time.

2) 2 random songs happened to play in the same day with the line "shake that thing". I think these 2 songs are the only 2 songs in my 9,000+ song collection with that phrase. The 2 songs couldn't be more different. One is a country song from the movie Country Strong ("Shake That Thing" performed by Gwyneth Paltrow) and the other is from a sort of rock group ("Paris" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals). Very strange.

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