November 21, 2013

Seinfeld References #104, 105 & 106

November 21, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #104

This morning, Shelley commented on yesterday's marketing campaign where customers could win a free gift. She said someone ended up getting 2. She said "how did R. P. Zimmerman get 2 free gifts? He must have cheated the system". I said we need to put him on "the list", and before I could say any more, Diane said "you got me blacklisted at Hop Sings!". I was going to say, "Shelley named names", but Diane beat me to the reference. This was referring to when Elaine was dating a communist and she used his name, and got him blacklisted from the Chinese Restaurant Hop Sings.

November 21, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #105

Jenn posted a funny meme on Facebook that said: "I told my friend she drew her eyebrows on too high. She looked surprised..." Immediately Heather and I thought of Uncle Leo. He opened a bomb that was meant for Jerry and it burned off his eyebrows. Later, Elaine drew him some eyebrows that made him look angry, and the doctor told Leo he didn't care for his demeanor, and wrote it in his chart.

November 21, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #106

For lunch, Diane had beef...something or other, in a can. I told her, at least it wasn't Beef-a-rino. She then proceeded to sing the song "Beef-a-rino, fit for king and queen-o." This was referring to the food that Kramer fed to his horse Rusty when he was driving a handsome cab.

And then, when she walked by my desk, she said "Rusty!" Because after the Beef-a-rino, Rusty was a little gassy.

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