June 28, 2014

Hayden Moss or Hayden Voss?

During the Big Brother premiere, I of course was following all of the BB alumni on Twitter. One of my favs, as you know, is Hayden from BB12 and Survivor. He's usually really good about replying to tweets. He sent out a tweet about one of the contestants this season, whose name is very similar to his. His full name is "Hayden Moss". One of the contestants' names is "Hayden Voss". Whoa!

He tweeted: "This dudes name is Hayden Voss? Lol...that's gotta nice ring to it!"

I replied and he favorited it and sent a reply back:

June 16, 2014

Celebrity Twitter Follower: JJ O'Brien

Look who just got followed by one of the current bachelors on The Bachelorette! I retweeted one of his tweets tonight during the show, with my Reality Bites Twitter account. Then he started following me :)

Update 6/20: He now just also followed my personal account. I don't think I used my personal account to Favorite anything of his...wonder where this came from :)

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June 13, 2014

Music Ironicness: The All-American Rejects - 11:11 P.M.

This might be the weirdest occurrence of "music ironicness" yet! Figures it would happen today, Friday the 13th with a full moon...which is a very, very rare occurrence itself.

I was in the middle of doing my "Music of the Day" blog post, and I always use a split screen to find the video on one side, and work on my blog on the other. And, while the video is playing, I often check Facebook and other things on the Internet. I was in the middle of listening to The All-American Rejects song "11:11 P.M.", when I looked on the other side of my screen, where I was looking at a friend's Facebook profile. One of the pages she "Liked" was "11:11 Make a wish". Are you kidding me?!?! What are the odds? I have no words to describe how strange this is. Below is a screen capture with the 2 11:11's hi-lighted in yellow...

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June 8, 2014

It's the Little Things...

Anyone who knows me, knows that for the past 2 years or so at work, things have been....let's just say crazy and overwhelming at times. I've been pretty involved with the implementation of new software, that is affecting just about every area of business: direct sales, online sales, retail, etc. My job as Trainer, has required me to learn procedures for just about every job. And not only learn it, but create procedure documents and training materials. I have to know everything well enough so that I can train everyone else. There have been a lot of deadlines that have needed to be met for getting everything prepared. And that includes printing, collating and hole-punching hundreds of upon hundreds of documents to pass out to the employees.

It's been hard to get everything done, and lots of overtime hours have been put in. Things have been stressful, but thankfully after the big pushes to get things done, there has been some relief before the next round. I tried not to let the stress and frustration show, but some who know me well, knew I was under a lot of pressure during a timeframe of a couple weeks where we were conducting training with selected "Super Users". It was during this time, that I received some little unexpected pick-me-ups that were so thoughtful. These were given to me a couple months ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting about it.