May 29, 2014

I Made it on the RealitySteve Website!

For those of you who don't know, I'm a huge reality TV fan. The good kind of reality TV: the competition style NOT the "Kardashian" or "Housewives" style. My favorites are Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, American Idol, The Voice, Dancing With The Stars....I could go on but I'll stop there. I also love The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. For most shows, I love the suspense and avoid spoiler websites. However, when it comes to The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, I actually kind of like knowing who the lead ends up with and who gets eliminated when. For the inside scoop, I rely on RealitySteve. He somehow manages to get all the dirty details and spoils the show pretty consistently every season, pretty soon after they end filming it.

One of the features of RealitySteve's blog/website is a weekly "Reader Emails" post, where he posts emails he gets along with his response. Normally, in any situation, on any site, I'm a reader only. I don't engage on message boards or comment sections. Really, the main reason is that there are a lot of crazies out there, and arguing is a waste of time. I share all my thoughts on my Reality Bites blog, and talk about the shows with all my friends, so I don't need to do it with strangers. However, last week, I made an exception. Something on The Bachelorette caught my attention, and I just had to email RealitySteve with my observation. I first watched the clip a couple times to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Because if you're wrong, or make a stupid will be made fun of publicly on his website. I didn't want to be one of those people. I was pretty sure what I had was worth sharing, and something that not everyone might know or have caught, so I thought I'd take a chance.

So, I'm watching the very first episode of the season, where Andi, our Bachelorette is meeting her 25 guys. Each guy has a limited amount of time to make a lasting impression, otherwise he could be cut on the first night. There's this guy Marquel. We know he's a little strange because he calls himself a "cookie connoisseur", and the love of his life right now is the cookie. He has somehow managed to bring a large tray with an assortment of cookies on it, and he would like to have a cookie tasting with Andi (instead of a wine tasting). He and Andi try several, and then he tells her he has a cookie he knows she will love. He digs to the bottom of the pile and pulls out...the black and white cookie. Immediately, I think of Seinfeld...of course...who wouldn't? And that's even before this happened....

He says "look to the cookie"! Blatantly obvious Seinfeld quote right there people! I don't think she got it though...I think she might have just thought he was making a reference to it being black and white, and he's black and she's white. If that were me...I would have died laughing, because I love a good Seinfeld reference, and this was a great one! And it totally went underappreciated.

Just for fun, here's the clip he was referencing, when Jerry is telling Elaine about the significance of the black and white and how it could solve race relations.

So, back to my story. I decided that this was worth writing to RealitySteve about to see if he made this connection. So I sent off an email, and I was sure to apply all of the necessary scrutiny to try to avoid all of the things he makes fun of when people email him things.

I patiently waited. I didn't know if I would get a personal email response, if my email would show up on his site, or if it would just go unnoticed. I didn't really have high expectations for my first correspondence. Thursday came, which is usually the day he posts his "Reader Emails" column. Mine was nowhere to be found. I kind of gave up hope, but thought maybe he might be a little behind, and maybe it would appear the following week. Which was today. I look at the first email posted...AND IT'S MINE!!!! I was so excited! His comment was that he received about 4 emails noting what I had noted (darn, I was hoping I was the only one). He then commented about Marquel copying Seinfeld the same way Jef Holm used to rip off e-cards.

One thing to note though was, he didn't post any of the other 3 emails...he only posted mine! Maybe it was because I included the Seinfeld video link in my email :)

It's the small things in life...but I thought it was pretty cool :) Here is the post with my email and his comment.

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