March 31, 2014

Seinfeld Reference #126

March 31, 2014: Seinfeld Reference #126

Today, Diane was talking about someone she knows who hit a deer. He was taking a child home from the event that they were at together. She said after they hit the deer, he kept driving...even though the car was smoking and still managed to drop the kid off safely at home. As she was telling this story, I was thinking of Kramer when he was telling his story about driving the bus and how he had to take over driving during all the commotion. At one point he talks about kicking the bad guy who had a gun, out the door at the next stop. Jerry says: "You kept making all the stops?!" Kramer replies: "Well, people kept ringing the bell!" So, I used that reference and Diane totally got it, and we both laughed so hard!

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TV Ironicness

Normally, when something really ironic happens, it is music-related. I like to call it "music ironicness". It's when I'm listening to a song, and either it totally relates to something that just happened, or maybe a word in the song was just said out loud, or I read it at the same time it was sung in the song, etc. Well today, something ironic happened, TV-wise.

For my treadmill walk today, I watched the next episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer in my queue on Netflix. That episode was the Season 5, episode 15 called "I Was Made To Love". In that episode, Buffy's mom, Joyce dies. So what's ironic, you ask? Well, I was catching up on my TV blogs that I like to read daily, and in TV Guide's "Ask Matt" column, the very first question included a reference to this exact episode of Buffy! Keep in mind, this episode originally aired in's 13 years old! How totally ironic, for this show to be referenced...let alone the EXACT episode that I literally just watched 2 hours ago! Whoa!

This was the reference:

Question: I'm sure you have tons of letters in your mailbag about the "twist" on The Good Wife. For once, this was not over-hyped at all. I've always stood by the idea that the creators of shows are artists who have the right to do whatever they want with their characters, and we should be more angry with gratuitous plot twists or inconsistent character development than things that just make us sad. It is a "melodrama," after all, and entertainment does not mean that you will be made happy all the time. That said, I have had to rein myself in about Will's death, which might rank as the most upsetting TV death in my long history of TV watching. Unlike, say, the death of Joyce Summers on Buffy, Will and Alicia have seemed integral to the plot trajectory of the show, and now I feel like a main source of my pleasure is gone.

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March 18, 2014

Music Ironicness: The Downtown Fiction - Keep Moving

Maybe it was the full moon just a couple days ago, but another totally random and strange musical occurrence happened to me. I was working on a spreadsheet at work. One of the columns, specifically the column I was editing, was labeled "Signed Up". While I was working in that column, the song "Keep Moving" by The Downtown Fiction came on. One of the lines in the song includes the words "signed up". Seriously, what are the odds?!?! The line was "she signed up for community college".

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March 14, 2014

Seinfeld Reference #125

March 14, 2014: Seinfeld Reference #125

Fridays definitely have a "feel" around the office. Everyone always seems a bit more giddy and silly, and sometimes downright loopy. Today felt downright loopy. Holly said it sure feels like Friday. That made me think of the conversation that Jerry, Kramer and Newman had one time about how Friday has a "feel", and Kramer said that he really thought Tuesdays had a "feel".

Kramer: What's today?
Newman: It's Thursday.
Kramer: Really? Feels like Tuesday.
Newman: Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel, Friday has a feel, Sunday has a feel....
Kramer: I feel Tuesday and Wednesday...

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