May 31, 2013

Music Ironicness: Third Eye Blind - Narcolepsy

Third Eye Blind - Narcolepsy

This morning on my way to work, on the radio station I was listening to they were talking about narcolepsy. When I got to work, and turned on my Google Play shuffle, as usual. One of the first songs that played guessed it...Third Eye Blind's "Narcolepsy". You can't get more random and ironic than that.

May 29, 2013

Seinfeld References #67 & 68

May 29, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #67

Today some girls in the office were talking about Kate Middleton's pregnancy and what she might be having, and what names might be chosen. Somehow, the conversation went to George's obsession with naming his child "7".

May 29, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #68

Later (only a few minutes after the last conversation), the conversation turned to work stuff and the marketing team was talking about an item (I think either something we sell or are thinking of selling): a lip balm. I kept hearing the word "balm". It made me think of when Kramer put a balm on his burn and his lawyer Jackie Chiles scolded him: "Who told you to put the balm on?!" I probably would have thought of this anyway, but I also remember Diane shared one of Seinfeld's pictures on Facebook and it was this very scene.

May 17, 2013

A Follow From Rupert Boneham!

Rupert the lovable fan favorite from 3 seasons of Survivor just followed me on Twitter! Rupert is rumored to be set for his 4th appearance on Survivor in the upcoming season 27!

May 13, 2013

Music Ironicness: Backstreet Boys - Weird World

Today, this song came on while I was looking at my Twitter feed. I came across this post of a cute animal on Earth_Pics.

The caption was: "What a lovely smile". So, as I'm admiring this cute picture, I listen to the words in the song that's playing:

I'm closing my eyes but I'm starting to see

While he's looking at you, she's looking at me
The only thing he does is just keep me away from you
Sure, part of this place would cheer if I die
But don't let them take away your beautiful smile
Take away your beautiful smile
Take away your beautiful smile

May 10, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #66

May 10, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #66

The Marketing team was talking about returns policies at different companies, and Diane mentioned the Seinfeld episode where Jerry wants to return a jacket for spite.

May 6, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #65

May 6, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #65

Today a friend had a not-so-good experience at the doctor. She was on-time for the appointment, but the doctor criticized her for not being 10 minutes early (ridiculous). She said the doctor had a horrible bedside manner and typed furiously away at her computer. It reminded me of when Elaine went to the doctor and she found out that her doctors were making notes in her chart that she was difficult. The notes followed her from doctor to doctor, and she tried to get the notes removed, but it just made things worse.