March 28, 2013

Twitter Follow from Silas Gaither (Survivor)

So excited! Out of the blue, I gained a new Twitter follower: Silas Gaither from Survivor. A true Survivor fan will remember that he came in 12th (such a shame) on Season 3 Survivor: Africa in 2001. I just remember thinking he was so cute. I was really bummed when he got voted off.

It's pretty obvious that I'm a big fan, because he only has 54 followers, and I'm one of them. I'm now proud to say that I am one of the 95 people he is cool!

Gary Gulman Twitter Favorite

Gary Gulman is a famous comedian who appeared on Last Comic Standing. He's so funny! Today, he posted a video clip of his performance on The Late Show with David Letterman. I commented on it, and he Favorited it!

Here is the clip:

March 27, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #59

Mar. 27, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #59

The Marketing team at Lehman's was talking about a product photo, that happened to include peas. Diane then said "She ate her peas one at a time. She once ate corn niblets...but she scooped 'em."

I laughed behind my cubicle walls, because I knew exactly what she was referring to. It was the episode where Jerry wanted to break up with a girl because she ate her peas one at a time. The whole quote is:

"Well, you know, we were having dinner the other night, and she's got this strangest habit. She eats her peas one at a time. You've never seen anything like it. It takes her an hour to finish them. I mean, we've had dinner other times. I've seen her eat Corn Niblets. But she scooped them."

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the video clip with that exact quote, but I did find one of the incident where the woman was actually eating her peas one at a time.

March 22, 2013

Music Ironicness: Weezer - Beverly Hills

Yesterday in training, I told my trainees to just pick a random customer and start an order. Mark put in a random number, and laughed at the name of the customer that came up: Beverly Hill. He said he just really wanted to add an s to the end of her name. We all had a good laugh. Then this morning, I was sharing this story with Shonda, and again, we had a good laugh about it...wondering if this was her maiden name or her married name. Then not long after (maybe an hour or so), I'm at my desk, working on my computer, Google Play is on usual. About halfway through the song, I realized what was playing: Weezer's "Beverly Hills"!!! So ironic! I can't tell you the last time I heard this song! It was so long ago. What are the odds?? I just love when this stuff happens, and I know Shonda always enjoys when I tell her "it happened again". Haha!

March 18, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #58

Mar. 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #58

Diane and I were talking about voice mails and voice mail recordings (I don't even remember the original discussion), but somehow we got to the time that George lets his phone go to the answering machine and his recording is a song:

Believe it or not George isn't at home. Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out or I'd pick up the phone. Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home.

March 17, 2013

Reply from Jun Song

Today, I got a Twitter reply from Jun Song! Jun was the winner of Big Brother 4 in 2003. Her blog article talked about where she was in her life when she entered the Big Brother house 10 years ago.

March 14, 2013

Phillip Sheppard

Today I got some Twitter love from a Survivor, the Specialist himself: Phillip Sheppard!

He tweeted:

Give's me no credit for a strategy during the challenge that "WORKED" they missed my basket as I shouted comments.

I felt bad for him, so I decided to pay him a little compliment, because I thought he did a great job in the challenge. A couple minutes later, he Favorited my tweet, he Re-Tweeted it, and then he Followed me! Wow!

March 13, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #57

Today, Mom and I were trying to locate the place where our salon was moving to. I was using my GPS. We knew part of the way we wanted to go, which was not the way the GPS wanted to go. At every possible intersection it would say to turn right, and then it would have to recalculate. In a way, it sounded annoyed, like why did you even ask me if you aren't going to listen. It reminded me of when Kramer was the MoviePhone guy and he kept asking questions about the movies the caller wanted to see, but because he had no way of knowing what they were keying into the phone, he finally said "Well why don't you just tell me the movie you want to see.

Watch the clip here

Music Ironicness: Skylar Grey - Invisible

I was on Twitter today, and on the side of your Twitter Feed, they always have a "Who to Follow" section with suggestions of people to follow. One of the ones that showed up today was Skylar Grey. Then a few minutes later, one of the 3 Skylar Grey songs that I have played on my Google Play shuffle. What are the odds? Remember, I have 7,870 songs!

This song is a favorite of mine. The lyrics describe how I feel a lot.


I take these pills to make me thin
I dye my hair, and cut my skin
I try everything, to make them see me
But all they see, is someone that's not me

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I set myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Here inside, my quiet hell
You cannot hear, my cries for help
I try everything, to make them see me
But every one, sees what I can't be

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I sat myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

Sometimes when I'm alone
I pretend that I'm a queen
It's almost believable

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I sat myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible

March 7, 2013

Twitter Encounter With Another Hantz!

Yesterday, following an episode of Survivor, I was perusing the Twitterverse and commenting on some tweets. I commented on Russel's tweet, and apparently he liked my comment enough to retweet it! Here is the exchange:

For anyone who doesn't know, Russell is a 3-time Survivor player, and his nephew Brandon is now on his 2nd season as well.

March 6, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #56

Mar. 6, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #56

OK, so this reference is a rather long and ironic coincidence!

It all started with a forwarded email from Diane, that originated from Renee. Renee emailed Diane, saying that a co-worker reminded her of Puddy (one of Elaine's boyfriends; also Jerry's mechanic). Diane forwarded it to me and we exchanged a couple of emails back and forth about it:

Me: "lol! I never would have made that connection, but yeah, he kind of does! This is bad, because now everytime we see him, that's all we're going to think about and we'll expect him to say 'You stole my Jesus fish didn't you?'"
Diane: "or 'high five'"
Me: "Yes! Do you think he'd be offended if we call him 'grease monkey'?"
Diane: "wonder if he likes Arby's"

All of those quotes were from various Puddy references throughout his many appearances on the show. This video is a compilation that includes each one of those references (nice, huh?)...

Now, for what makes this so interesting? Just a little bit ago, I was on Twitter and saw that the Seinfeld account that I follow posted this:

March 5, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #55

Mar. 5, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #55

I've been pretty involved with the implementation of new software at work...not as involved as the VPs, but still pretty involved. For some reason, I'm always forgotten about. Left out of email threads, they forget to tell me when they are having a meeting, or they forget to call me in when they start a meeting. It's becoming kind of a regular occurrence. So today, I knew there was a meeting after the Focus Group's daily meeting. The only way to know when our software meeting was going to begin was if someone came to get me. No one did. Afterwards, I get "sorry we forgot to call you in". Granted, I didn't really miss much, so it's not like it was a horrible's just the thought, and the fact that it seems to happen quite often. Story of my life. So where was I going with this? Oh yeah, Seinfeld. So, after this happened, it made me think about George Costanza and how the Yankees got really annoyed with him and they told him that they only wake him up for the important meetings. (In the clip below, the reference appears at the 3 minute mark.

Music Ironicness: Bowling For Soup - When We Die

So, today, another ironic music occurrence. Not only is it ironic, but it deals with a very similar subject that I've posted about before: death/funerals. Sad subject, but it seems to be happening a lot lately. Any way, couple weeks ago after talking about a funeral, the song "Funeral Song" by The Rasmus played. Today, again after just discussing a funeral, the song "When We Die" by Bowling For Soup played. I can't tell you the last time I heard this has to be years.

March 4, 2013

Music Ironicness: The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger

So, one of my favorite songs popped up on my playlist today: The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger. So, I made note of it as a possibility to use as one of my Songs Of The Day. Then, later this evening, I was at my cousin's house and we were watching the movie "Pitch Perfect". There was a scene in the movie that this song was playing in the background! So ironic! This is not a popular song, and most people in the US have no idea who The Fratellis are, so for it to show up in a movie, that we just so happened to watch was pretty ironic as well.

March 1, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #55

Mar. 1, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #55

This morning at work, we were talking about how fast the week has gone. Amy made a comment about how Tuesday really felt like a Tuesday. I said "Tuesday doesn't really have a feel does it". This is a reference to a conversation between Jerry, Kramer and Newman.

This is the script for the conversation:

Kramer: What's today?
Newman: It's Thursday.
Kramer: Really? Feels like Tuesday.
Newman: Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel, Friday has a feel, Sunday has a feel....
Kramer: I feel Tuesday and Wednesday...

Watch the clip here