March 5, 2011

Why I Love My Job: Part 1

For anyone who doesn't know, I am the Trainer at Lehman's.  May 7, 2011, will mark my 10th year at Lehman's.  It's hard to believe that it's been that long!  I've been really thankful for a lot of things lately, and one of those things is my job.  I know that not a lot of people can say that they love their job, but I can definitely say that!  I thought I would take some time to think about why I love it so much. Note: this is written only from my personal experiences.

A Little Background Info
Mural that I painted in the CSR Dept.
I started out as a CSR (Customer Service Representative) at Lehman's.  All I can say about being a CSR is: it's HARD!  Unless you are or have ever been a Lehman's CSR, you have no idea just how hard it is.  You are pretty much expected to know everything about everything, whether it's "Lehman's-related" or not.  You have to be a customer service rep (obviously), but also other things not necessarily in the title like: product specialist, order taker, phone operator, salesperson, problem investigator, therapist (weird but true...some customers just want someone to listen to their problems), GPS, travel agent, phone book, and not to mention doing many of these things at the same time!  It's so many jobs rolled into one.  During the busiest times of the year, there isn't even time to breathe between calls...they just keep coming!

Why I Love My Job: Part 2

...Continued from "Why I Love My Job: Part 1"

So, let's get to it.  Here are 10 reasons why I love my job (in no particular order).
Note: this is written from only my own personal experiences.

1. Teaching!  I get to teach, and even have my own "classroom"!

I went to school to be a teacher, but I never dreamt I would be able to combine my love of teaching and my love of working at Lehman's.  I used to love the look on a child's face when they learn something new.  Teaching adults is a little different, but it still gives me a good feeling to teach them new things.  All the things that I help them learn, helps them to do their jobs better, and that's a good feeling.

I teach employees new software programs, new procedures, and much more.  I also teach new employees how to use Lehman's voice mail and email.  But the thing closest to being a school teacher is the product training that I do.  I have designed the entire "curriculum" which includes a lesson and a test.  Just like a teacher, I then get to grade the tests. Right now, our current certifications include: Food Preservation, Grain Mills, Lighting, Water Filters and Water Pumps.  10 years ago, I never imagined that I would know enough about any of these things to be able to teach other people about them!

I also have my own "classroom", or Training Room as I call it.  This is where I do a lot of my training that takes places at our Dalton location.  We have 4 computers, so it also functions as a computer lab for web-based training.