March 5, 2011

Why I Love My Job: Part 2

...Continued from "Why I Love My Job: Part 1"

So, let's get to it.  Here are 10 reasons why I love my job (in no particular order).
Note: this is written from only my own personal experiences.

1. Teaching!  I get to teach, and even have my own "classroom"!

I went to school to be a teacher, but I never dreamt I would be able to combine my love of teaching and my love of working at Lehman's.  I used to love the look on a child's face when they learn something new.  Teaching adults is a little different, but it still gives me a good feeling to teach them new things.  All the things that I help them learn, helps them to do their jobs better, and that's a good feeling.

I teach employees new software programs, new procedures, and much more.  I also teach new employees how to use Lehman's voice mail and email.  But the thing closest to being a school teacher is the product training that I do.  I have designed the entire "curriculum" which includes a lesson and a test.  Just like a teacher, I then get to grade the tests. Right now, our current certifications include: Food Preservation, Grain Mills, Lighting, Water Filters and Water Pumps.  10 years ago, I never imagined that I would know enough about any of these things to be able to teach other people about them!

I also have my own "classroom", or Training Room as I call it.  This is where I do a lot of my training that takes places at our Dalton location.  We have 4 computers, so it also functions as a computer lab for web-based training.

2. Creating documents.  I get to channel my OCD for organizing and creating hand-outs.

It may sound strange, but I absolutely love to document procedures and create handy references.  Until I started doing it, I didn't realize I would love it so much.  I have to admit, I have a little bit of OCD when it comes to this.  One of my vices is that I try to get as much information onto 1 page as possible, just because it is usually easier to refer to later if you only have 1 page.  However, sometimes that 1 page gets very crowded.  It's hard to tell myself to spread things out to make it a little less full!  For me it works, but I know others might just be overwhelmed by it.

Another thing I love is just creating the layout of the document, including pictures and sometimes screen captures to help illustrate the steps in a procedure.  It's always a challenge to find the best way to display the information, tables, etc.  Everything I've learned, I've learned by trial and error, and I like to think that I'm pretty good at it.  The best compliment that I get is when someone says, "Thank you!  This will be so helpful!."  I absolutely love it!
3. My co-workers.  I love them all!

I wouldn't have a job if it weren't for my co-workers.  I have been truly blessed to be able to work with so many wonderful people in the 10 years that I have been at Lehman's.  It starts with a President who truly cares about the well-being of his employees, and is constantly trying to make Lehman's a great place to work.

I have made so many friends at work.  About half of my friends on Facebook, are (or were at some time) Lehman's employees (I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing).  I have to say, I think I work with some of the funniest people.  I'm talking about so funny, that some of them would make absolutely hilarious stand-up comedians...which makes for some incredibly one-of-a-kind Employee Banquets.  But most of all, it's such a great feeling to know that everyone is so willing to help everyone else.  It is just so much fun to go to work every day!

I also really enjoy the fact that I get to work with EVERYONE at Lehman's.  I'm not limited to just one department.  From the President to all of the provisory (seasonal) employees, I get to train them all (in some way or another).

4. Helping people.

It is incredibly satisfying every time a co-worker expresses their thanks to me for helping them out.  I've even been called a "hero" on more than one occasion!  That may be a bit more credit than I deserve, but it does make me feel good!  I'm glad that I can be a person that people can come to with questions.  More often than not, I feel like I don't have the answers.  But when I do, I feel so happy to be able to help!

Because I am the Trainer for "everything", I'm kind of expected to know...everything.  I know it's not humanly possible to know everything, but I still feel bad when I don't know something...which makes me try even harder.

5. Every day is different.  I am never doing the same thing.

My job is never boring.  Sure some days go slower than others, but I always have something to work on.  Some days I tackle just one project, while others I may work on three or four.  

Depending on the time of year, I may have new employees to be training, or maybe I'm working on updating all of my many training materials before a new group of provisory employees are brought on board.  I am constantly preparing product training and testing for CSRs, so one day I'm working on Grain Mills and as soon as that's done, I'm on to Water Filters.  And at the same time, like right now for example, I am reading the user manual for our new timeclock system so that I will be able to write instructions and a training procedure for all employees.

6. Learning new things

I love learning new things.  Sometimes I'm learning about products and sometimes I'm learning how to do a particular job so that I can document procedures or create a manual.  If there is new software, I'm usually one of the first ones to learn it (sometimes on my own, by trial-and-error) and then come up with documentation to help others learn it.

Things are always changing, and part of my job is to keep up with all of the changes.  That could be a job in and of itself sometimes!  It definitely keeps me on my toes.

7. Flexibility 

I love that my hours are flexible.  I can come in early, which means I can leave early.  If a training session runs long, or I need to stay late to finish a project, I can leave early another day.  I usually choose Friday, because, who doesn't love to start the weekend a little early?

8. Working with family.

I absolutely love that I get to work with my Mom.  She isn't there every day, but it's still nice.  She gets to work in the fascinating world of Returns, where there's never a dull moment.  My uncle works in the stove department at the Kidron store.  At one time or another, I've also worked with a cousin and an aunt.  So fun!  Sometimes I feel like everyone at Lehman's is my "family" because we see each other so often. 

And I'm not the only one who gets to work with family.  There are so many employees who are related to someone who works at Lehman's.  It's true that this is a "family" business! 

9. Diverse customers.

Although my job isn't directly related to customers or sales, it was at one time, when I was a CSR.  I'm still just amazed that from the little town of Kidron, we reach to all corners of the globe!  It's awesome to be a part of something like that.  It's always exciting when we are featured on the news, or there's an article written about us in a national magazine.

Fun stories about customers never get old.  Just when I think I've heard it all, I am surprised again.  It blows my mind how customers will share just about anything with stranger.  And the questions that people ask! They never cease to amaze.  Without them, I wouldn't be able to do what I do, so I'm grateful for them.

10. I love Lehman's

Last, but not least, I love Lehman's!  I love everything that the company stands for.  I love how all of the employees always look out for the best interest of the customer, and go the extra mile.  I love that the Lehman family treats every employee like extended members of their family.  Birthdays as paid holidays, birthday breakfast with the President, employee discount, quarterly meetings with updates about the company and chances for input from employees...just a few of the things that make Lehman's a truly unique and wonderful place to work.

So there you have it, 10 reasons why I love my job.  I'm sure if I took even more time, I could probably come up with a lot more.  I'm so grateful that I've ended up where I am...even it's not where I thought I'd be when I first started.  God's plan took over, and I want to continue to learn and grow, so that I can be the best at what I do.

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