January 20, 2019

My Aladdin Collection: Model 5 (1913-1914)

Introducing the 24th vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model 5s: Satin Brass Table Lamp (101)

The Model 5 was produced between 1913 and 1914.  It is often considered a transition lamp because these lamps are often found with parts from the previous models 3 and 4, and later lamps may have parts that would go on to be used on the Model 6. 

Satin Brass Table Lamp Details
Model - 5
Years Produced - 1913-1914
Font/Burner - Center Draft
Chimney - Heel-less

Model 5 Lamp Styles
101 - Nickel or Satin Brass Table Lamp

My New Lamp
I was really excited to add this lamp to my collection! I'm slowly but surely filling in the blanks of the earliest lamps that I'm missing. Unlike later models (A and after), the early numbered models of lamps, there are only a couple options to choose from. All of my early lamps so far have been nickel, so I was excited to find one in brass. The Style 101 lamps all look very similar, with only slight, minor differences, so having one in brass adds some much needed variety to my collection.

This lamp is quite interesting.  Most of the components are that of the earlier version, however there are a couple parts that are common on later versions. All components that match either the 3/4 or the 6 are known as being original to the Model 5 lamps.
  • Inner Wick Tube - 1 piece with a single hole which is common on early fonts
  • Chime - flat chime is common on early fonts
Inner Wick Tube
Font - notice flat chime around the middle
  • Burner Basket - pattern that matches Models 3/4
  • Air Distributor - 2 pieces that matches Models 3/4

Burner Basket
2-Piece Air Distributor
  • Gallery - pattern that matches Model 6
  • Wick Raiser - matches Model 6

Wick Raiser
My guess is that the wick raiser is not original, simply because the rest of the lamp seems to be of the earlier version. Because wick raisers (or carriers) were very difficult to reload with a replacement wick, the replacement wicks were actually sold pre-mounted in the wick carrier. If the lamp was actually used (which there is no reason to believe it wasn't), it is obvious that the wick would need replaced at some point. In years following, the Models 3, 4, and 5 carriers were eliminated and the Model 6 carrier was used as the replacement for all of those models. At some point, I would like to find a Model 5 wick carrier, but for now, my lamp still has all of the parts that are known to be found on Model 5s, so I'm OK with it. It is also likely that the gallery wasn't original to the lamp either. The original may have gotten damaged or lost at some point, and the Model 6 was used as the replacement. With that said, later Model 5s were sold with what would become the Model 6's gallery, so I consider it OK for my lamp :).

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

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