July 18, 2018

My Aladdin Collection: Model B Clear Washington Drape (1943)

Introducing the 22nd vintage lamp in my collection...

Representing the Model B Washington Drapes: 
Clear Crystal, Plain Stem (B-53X)

You may recall a recent post featuring my Emerald Washington Drape. You may also recall that I've said that in order to stop myself from going completely overboard, I was limiting myself to 1 lamp per style. Well, I have just broken that rule...but with good reason! That reason is...I didn't pay anything for this one! More on how I obtained this lamp later.
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The Clear Beta Crystal, Plain Stem Washington Drape was produced from 1941 to 1953, and it is easily one of the most common and recognizable lamps because it was made for some many years. However, this particular lamp is special because it was made without a fill cap. That's right! In order to fill the lamp up with fuel, you have to unscrew and remove the burner. There are several Aladdin lamp styles that don't have fill caps - the Genie and Genie II are other examples. So why were some Clear, Plain Stem Washington Drapes made with a fill cap and some without? Well, I've learned that during WWII, they wanted to preserve brass. As a result, they eliminated the fill cap and also used a steel wick raiser. I think, from what I've been able to research, that it was only produced like this in 1943. All other Washington Drapes, of all styles and colors, come with a fill cap. This makes those without it much more rare than the others, and therefore more valuable.

The Clear, Plain Stem Model B also just so happens to be the last glass Model B to be produced, and it was the longest running style of Model B.

Washington Drape Lamp Details:
Model: B
Year Produced: 1939-1953
Font/Burner: Side Draft
Chimney: Lox-on

Washington Drape Lamp Styles:
Round Base (1939)Filigree Pedestal (1940)Bell Stem (1941)Plain Stem (1941-1953)
B-39 - Clear
B-40 - Green
B-41 - Amber
B-50 - Clear
B-51 - Green
B-52 - Amber
B-47 - Clear
B-48 - Green
B-49 - Amber
B-53 - Clear w/ fill cap
B-53X - Clear w/o fill cap
B-53P - Clear w/ Pink
B-54 - Green*
B-54E - Emerald Green*
B-55 - Amber*
*Colored Plain Stems were only made in 1941-1942, only the clear was continued through 1953.

My New Lamp
I was extremely lucky to be able to attend the 46th annual Aladdin Gathering in Peoria, Illinois! As a first-timer to the Gathering, names were drawn to pick a lamp that was donated. My name was drawn about mid-way down the list. There were several Clear, Plain Stem Washington Drapes, a couple Model 12s, and something else with a weird-looking shade that I'm not sure what it was. When it was my turn to choose, there was a Model 12 and a couple of the Washington Drapes left. I already had a Model 12 exactly like what was there, so I knew I wanted to go with a WD. I looked at both burners, and one of the burners/galleries looked to be in better condition, and I was all set to go with that one until the Bright Knight, Bill Courter himself (who was the main speaker to our first-timer's meeting, and was standing nearby), leaned in and mentioned that the other lamp was missing the fill cap. I knew right away that this was rare, and I immediately changed my mind! So, thanks to Bill for the helpful insider tip! I knew about the existance of these lamps without the filler cap, but I had forgotten and I wasn't even paying attention to that, so I'm very happy he was kind enough to point that out to me...and not to someone else! I definitely think I got the best deal :)

If you remember my post about my Emerald, I specifically said that "I knew that I didn't want a clear one, simply because they are all too common, and colored lamps are just more attractive." Oh well! It's another one added to the collection now. So, while this lamp wasn't one on my "list" of wants, I'd say it's a neat one - with a cool story both about its creation, and in how it made its way into my possession...for free!

So here is the pair:

Click here to check out my complete photo album for this lamp.

UPDATE: 9/24/19
After a member of the Aladdin Facebook group posted about their lamp and the fact that theirs came with a steel wick raiser, my interest was piqued to look into mine a little closer. I wasn't sure what my wick raiser was. It looked a little different than my other Bs, but didn't really look like what I thought a steel wick raiser would look like. Someone mentioned to try a magnet on it. Duh!!! Why didn't I ever think of that?! This appears to be the absolute best way to determine brass or steel. So, I got a magnet and tried it. The result? It didn't stick. It was brass. I didn't really expect to get that lucky. I mean, how many could there be out there? Only a fraction of a percentage of all the B wick raisers (if that), I would think. I decided I better check all of my other B lamps...just in case I would get lucky. Just in case one of the lamps...that were all made before the Clear Washington Drape...would have had the wick raiser swapped out at some point. So, I got started. No luck with my Emerald Washington Drape. Next, and sitting right beside my Clear Washington Drape, was my lovely Ruby Beehive. I pulled the magnet out and...IT STUCK! Like, it REALLY stuck! There was no doubt. There was no mistaking it...it had to be steel! How incredibly exciting! Who knew...that sitting RIGHT NEXT to each other for over a year! I never would have thought of the magnet, and I never would have thought to check all of my other lamps had it not been for that random Facebook post. I couldn't be happier! So, needless to say, I swapped wick raisers between those two lamps. My lamp is now officially complete and worth more now that it has the all-important steel wick raiser.

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