July 25, 2016

Aladdin Lamp Sighting in Penny Dreadful

I was watching Penny Dreadful on Netflix. It's a period show set in the late 1800s. As always, my eyes are always drawn to the lighting in the room. There were a couple of lamps in particular in the back of one room that continually bugged me because they would never show them up very close. They looked a lot like Aladdin lamps, but I couldn't quite tell. Finally, after several episodes, we got about as close as we were going to get. Because the lamps have shades, I can't be 100% sure they are Aladdins, but I'm about 95% sure. The one guaranteed way to tell an Aladdin is the mantle, of course. However, because of the shades, we can't use that. Here are some other signifying features that lead me to believe they are Aladdins:

  • The tall chimneys - look how high they extend above the chimney
  • The brass font - looks very similar to the Heritage Brass Lamp 
  • The raised burner - see how high above the font the shade ring sits? 
  • The green shade - the shape and color looks exactly like the Aladdin green melon shade

Later, I also noticed a couple more lamps that look like they could possibly be Aladdins. The shades are most definitely NOT Aladdin, but the font looks like the Heritage Brass, and through the shade, it's very hard to tell, but there could possibly be mantles in there.

So, we can't be 100% sure, but I would say, yes, they are Aladdins. And yes, they are being used again in a time period before they were actually invented and produced.

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