July 11, 2015

Aladdin Lamp Sighting in Copper

Oops! Someone didn't do their research! I'm watching Copper on Netflix, and because I work at Lehman's, my eyes are always drawn to props that we might have provided. I was surprised to notice a couple of Aladdin lamps, which aren't often used as props...you mostly see regular oil lamps. You can tell they are Aladdins because you can clearly see the mantle inside the chimney. I got to thinking about when this show takes place, which is the 1860s. I've learned a lot about these really cool lamps over the years, and a couple things I know prove that these lamps would NOT be used during this time period. The first Aladdin wasn't sold until 1909. I also noticed that the lamps are clearly lox-on, because the burners don't have raised prongs to hold the chimney. Lox-on burners weren't introduced until 1928. Oops! The more you know...

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