December 10, 2013

Seinfeld References #110-115

December 8, 2013: 
A get-together at Uncle Jim's means that there are bound to be more than a few Seinfeld references. At Alaynna's birthday party on Sunday, we had 6!

Seinfeld Reference #110
The Chinese Restaurant--Jim was telling a tale of his recent bad service at a Mexican restaurant. They called ahead but still had to wait forever for a table. This obviously reminded us of the Chinese restaurant when the gang waited and waited for a table, while others were seated before them.

Seinfeld Reference #111
The Male Masseuse--We were talking about getting massages, and it reminded me of when George got a a man...and, it moved.

Seinfeld Reference #112
Being Blacklisted--Jim was talking about someone being kicked out of the grocery store because they were checking prices and comparing them with another store. He said they are all Commies there. I asked if she had been "blacklisted", like when Elaine was "blacklisted" at Hop-Sing's.

Seinfeld Reference #113
The Chart--Jim said he changed the dates on his contact subscriptions several times to get new ones without going to the eye doctor. After a couple times, they realized what he was doing and they weren't very happy. I asked if they wrote it on his chart that he was "difficult" like they did with Elaine.

Seinfeld Reference #114
The Dewey Decimal System--Jaron had a slinky and Jim said "the slinky...what a scam that was". This was a reference to when Kramer was in the library and he said "the Dewey Decimal System...what a scam that was."

Seinfeld Reference #115
Draping in Velvet--Alaynna got a very soft horse throw cover, and Jim loved how soft it was. He wrapped himself all up in it. That reminded me of when George said that "if it was socially acceptable, I'd drape myself in velvet."

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