December 17, 2013

My Favorite Photo?

I love to take pictures, and I am always the designated photographer on vacations. I pride myself on being able to capture great moments and frame scenes perfectly. I love taking pictures of nature more than just about anything, especially beautiful skies. Clouds, sunrises, sunsets, etc.

I have taken a lot of great pictures in my time that I'm really proud of. But, few months ago, I captured something I didn't expect, and it has turned into one of my favorite photographs that I've ever taken. For this picture, I was just trying to take a picture of the sun and clouds because it was a beautiful day. When I went back and looked at the pictures I had taken that day, this one immediately stood out. There was something special about it. As I looked at it closer, I realized that the rays of the sun formed what looked like a cross! It was beautiful! Ever since then, I keep coming back to this picture and realizing just how awesome it is. Had I snapped the picture a few seconds earlier or later, or held my phone at a slightly different angle, the picture could have been completely different and just plain ordinary. I love this picture so much that I printed it out and put it in a frame in my living room so I can look at it every day. I look at it as a special message from God.

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