December 18, 2013

Twitter Interaction

Shawn Hantz (Russell Hantz's brother and Brandon Hantz's father) really wants to be on Survivor. He tweeted to Jeff Probst that he was ready to go, just say the word. I thought it would be fun to ask him which tribe he thinks he should be on. Next season's theme is Brains, Brawn and Beauties, and each of those is a tribe. I also asked him which tribe he thinks Probst would put him on. Here were his responses:

Seinfeld References #118-120

December 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #118
This is a carry-over from yesterday's "Morry" incident. The nickname has really caught on at the office. Yesterday, we had the "Bizarro World" reference. I got to thinking more about it and I guess you could say that Morry Shawolker is my alter-ego. That made me think about when Elaine was called "Susie" by a co-worker and she didn't correct her. Then when "Elaine" did something to make the co-worker, Peggy mad, she couldn't say her name was, so she had to be both Susie and Elaine, and then Susie started getting assignments at work, and she ended up saying that she committed suicide. Well, what if I just started giving some of my workload to Morry! Ha!

Since this nickname has caught on, I posted something on Facebook and said "I always wanted a cool nickname". I was hoping to bait one of my fellow Seinfeld lovers into playing along. Sure enough, Uncle Jim took the bait:

This is a reference to when George wanted the nickname T-Bone. Someone in the office ended up getting the name, and the boss suggested Coco for George instead.

December 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #119
Diane was making soup for lunch and as she passed by my desk, she said "I don't have any crackers" and I said "then it's not a meal". Referencing when Bania made Jerry buy him a fancy dinner. He ordered soup and said he'd save the meal for another time. When Jerry complained he said soup wasn't a meal. When he explained this to Elaine, she asked if he crumbled any crackers in it, because that could be considered a meal.

December 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #120
Diane was talking about her brother's dog and how he's kind of a wuss, and I said he wouldn't be a very good dog to put in a dog fight unless you want him to "take a dive"...referencing when Kramer had a rooster he called "Little Jerry Seinfeld" that he entered in cock fights. At one point the guy running the fights told him that he needed Little Jerry to take a dive.

Music Ironicness: Ben Jelen - Stay

I was reading a tweet on Twitter from Vytas Baskauskas (from Survivor), and he is going to be leading a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. The next song that played randomly was Ben Jelen's "Stay". In this song, he references yoga! I don't know of any other song that has yoga in it. Just another carry-over full moon thing I think.

"She's off to yoga just to clear her head out"

December 17, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #117

December 17, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #117

In an earlier post, I showed the weird way that my name was spelled. Uncle Jim of course responds with a great Seinfeld reference. First he said it was the Bizarro World (which was the backwards world where Elaine met opposites of Jerry, Kramer and George).

Then he referenced the Chinese Restaurant when the the host yells out "Cartwright, Cartwright" and no one comes. George was waiting for a call, and he yelled out Cartwright instead of Costanza, therefore making George miss the call.

My Favorite Photo?

I love to take pictures, and I am always the designated photographer on vacations. I pride myself on being able to capture great moments and frame scenes perfectly. I love taking pictures of nature more than just about anything, especially beautiful skies. Clouds, sunrises, sunsets, etc.

I have taken a lot of great pictures in my time that I'm really proud of. But, few months ago, I captured something I didn't expect, and it has turned into one of my favorite photographs that I've ever taken. For this picture, I was just trying to take a picture of the sun and clouds because it was a beautiful day. When I went back and looked at the pictures I had taken that day, this one immediately stood out. There was something special about it. As I looked at it closer, I realized that the rays of the sun formed what looked like a cross! It was beautiful! Ever since then, I keep coming back to this picture and realizing just how awesome it is. Had I snapped the picture a few seconds earlier or later, or held my phone at a slightly different angle, the picture could have been completely different and just plain ordinary. I love this picture so much that I printed it out and put it in a frame in my living room so I can look at it every day. I look at it as a special message from God.

Is That Me?

This strange piece of mail was brought to me at work today. It was addressed to, whom we can all only assume, is me. After laughing hysterically at "my name", I opened the letter to find that it had nothing to do with me. I have no idea why it came to me, or how my name got so horribly misspelled. Just another strange full moon occurrence today.

Music Ironicness

You can tell that today was a full many weird things today. Many of them including weird song coincidences.

LFO - Dandelion
Today Shelley had some our Lehman's jellies for us to sample. One of the kinds was Dandelion jelly. Soon after she brought them over for us to try, "Dandelion" by LFO played randomly.

Rob Thomas - Give Me The Meltdown
I was reading a safety article about an employee who got a cut on their finger while cleaning up some broken glass. At the very same time, "Give Me The Meltdown" by Rob Thomas came on randomly. The first line in this song is: "Feeling worn down like a piece of glass".

Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
This classic song from the movie Titanic played randomly as I was scrolling through some of Mom's pictures from her cruise.

Mika - Lollipop
Mika's song "Lollipop" played while everyone was enjoying some candy at work.

December 12, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #116

December 12, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #116
Amy said she smelled fried chicken. Shelley said that that is the first sign of insanity. That reminded me of "The Pothole" episode when Elaine told Jerry:

"Jerry, you have tendencies. They're always annoying, but they were just tendencies. But now, if you can't kiss this girl, I'm afraid we're talking disorder...And from disorder, you're a quirk or two away from full-on dementia."

December 10, 2013

Seinfeld References #110-115

December 8, 2013: 
A get-together at Uncle Jim's means that there are bound to be more than a few Seinfeld references. At Alaynna's birthday party on Sunday, we had 6!

Seinfeld Reference #110
The Chinese Restaurant--Jim was telling a tale of his recent bad service at a Mexican restaurant. They called ahead but still had to wait forever for a table. This obviously reminded us of the Chinese restaurant when the gang waited and waited for a table, while others were seated before them.

Seinfeld Reference #111
The Male Masseuse--We were talking about getting massages, and it reminded me of when George got a a man...and, it moved.

Seinfeld Reference #112
Being Blacklisted--Jim was talking about someone being kicked out of the grocery store because they were checking prices and comparing them with another store. He said they are all Commies there. I asked if she had been "blacklisted", like when Elaine was "blacklisted" at Hop-Sing's.

Seinfeld Reference #113
The Chart--Jim said he changed the dates on his contact subscriptions several times to get new ones without going to the eye doctor. After a couple times, they realized what he was doing and they weren't very happy. I asked if they wrote it on his chart that he was "difficult" like they did with Elaine.

Seinfeld Reference #114
The Dewey Decimal System--Jaron had a slinky and Jim said "the slinky...what a scam that was". This was a reference to when Kramer was in the library and he said "the Dewey Decimal System...what a scam that was."

Seinfeld Reference #115
Draping in Velvet--Alaynna got a very soft horse throw cover, and Jim loved how soft it was. He wrapped himself all up in it. That reminded me of when George said that "if it was socially acceptable, I'd drape myself in velvet."

December 5, 2013

Twitter Interactions

Here are some of the most recent celebrity Twitter interactions I've had :)

Kat Edorsson was on Survivor and her boyfriend Hayden is still in the game right now. I'm not sure how she came upon my tweet of the latest recap, since she doesn't follow me. Oh well, still cool.

In the 2nd screen shot, you'll see Kat's boyfriend Hayden favorited one of my tweets. As did Michael Skupin, another former Survivor. The one at the top is from James Kenney, who was a contestant on this season's X Factor.

December 3, 2013

Seinfeld References #108 & 109

December 3, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #108

At work, they got a new coffee maker, and it was a Mr. Coffee. Diane quoted Jerry, saying "I was almost Mr. Coffee. They felt I was a little too relaxed."

December 3, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #109

Mom had a very interesting discovery as she opened a return. It was a grain mill. The "packing" that the customer decided to use was more like their laundry basket. There were rags and what looked like old shirts...oh yeah...and underwear (see photo on the right)! Yuck! The underwear was a pair (possibly more than one...we didn't go digging) of jockey shorts. Of course Diane and I both thought of when Kramer gave up his jockey shorts and his boxers.