June 24, 2013

Music Ironicness: Marianas Trench - Celebrity Status

At work, a co-worker just became a grandma. We were talking about the baby name, and that led to talking about celebrity baby names. While this conversation was going on, the song "Celebrity Status" by Marianas Trench came on.

Seinfeld Reference #72

June 24, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #72

Diane was talking about the pink flamingo she put in her garden to scare the critters away. She said it wasn't working and that maybe if it glowed or had flashing lights, maybe that would work. That made me think about the giant red Kenny Roger's chicken. So instead of a giant red chicken, it's a glowing pink flamingo!

June 21, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #71

June 21, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #71

A co-worker's wife is pregnant and he made a video of her belly button going in and out when she was laughing. This totally reminded me of when Jerry made up a voice that he pretended his girlfriend's belly button talked to him while she was sleeping.

June 20, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #70

June 20, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #70

Bruce and I were working on testing scripts in the new software. We entered an item that was on backorder. We had to send an email regarding this backorder, and we often abbreviate it as "bo". As Bruce is typing this, he said, "speaking of b.o. did you notice that ___ has really bad b.o.?" (name withheld for anonymity). He was referring to one of the software consultants we work with. He said he notices it when he steps in the room. I had to think of the smelly car episode where the valet had bad b.o. and it attached itself to Jerry's car and anyone who got in the car.

June 17, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #69

June 17, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #69

This morning Shelley told me about her Seinfeld experience over the weekend, and reshared it with Diane a little later. She said she watched the movie Les Miserables this weekend and she recognized one of the songs, but she couldn't think from where. Finally, she realized that it was the song that George had stuck in his head and he kept singing it throughout the episode. She didn't know that's where it came from. Diane didn't either. Lol

Unfortunately, this is the only clip I could find.

"Master of the house, keeper of the inn..."