April 22, 2014

Music/TV Ironicness: Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Monday night on Dancing With The Stars, Danica and Val danced to Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody". This morning, I was listening to Pandora. I was listening to my Boy Band station, and what song comes on? Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody"! Why? That is so crazy! That's such an old song, and I don't see a lot of similarities between that song and the other boy band songs I've favorited on that station. I'm not sure why Pandora picked that song. So crazy!

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April 21, 2014


A couple days ago, I had another weird case of irony. One of my Facebook friends posted needing help with a word game. You have 4 pictures, blank spaces for letters and letter options. You have to figure out what the word is that describes all 4 pictures using the letters. I'm usually pretty good at this game, and often can help people within seconds or a few minutes. My Facebook friend's answer was "French". The pictures were of French-tipped fingernails, a long loaf of bread, an arch (that looked like it would be somewhere in Europe), and someone painting.

After helping out with this answer, it put me in the mood to play a few rounds on my phone. I had a different version of the game, but it's the exact same concept. My VERY FIRST puzzle, the answer was France! I actually tried French first because all those letters were there, and the words have the same number of letters. When French wasn't right, I tried France, and that was right! What are the odds? That is just crazy!

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Seinfeld Reference #128

April 28, 2014: Seinfeld #128

In training this morning, Suzie found out the hard way that something you make as a description will show up in places you might not want them to. Needless to say, what she used as her test description was pretty funny, and we all got a big laugh out of it. For the afternoon class, we used this funny situation as a lesson on what not to do. To reference Seinfeld, I said we wouldn't "name names", but before I could say it, Chris said it was Suzie. So I said, "he name name"...I don't think anyone got it. This was a reference to when Elaine got Ned's name blacklisted at Hop-Sing's, and he said "she name name".

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April 17, 2014

TV Ironicness

What are the odds?

Yesterday, I was reading a blog written by one of my friends, and it's called "Work in Progress". As I was reading the blog, I was also watching American Idol. Sam Woolf had just performed, and Harry Connick, Jr. was giving his critique, and he said that Sam was still a "work in progress". Whoa! So weird!

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Seinfeld Reference #127

April 17, 2014: Seinfeld Reference #127

Diane said she had a carload of stinky junior high boys in her car last night, and she had to air the car out afterward because it was so bad. That reminded us of the horrible b.o. smell left by the valet in Jerry's car that was so bad that it "infected" anyone who came in contact with it.

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April 9, 2014

Survivor Alum Twitter Interactions

Lots and lots of Survivor alums were active on Twitter for tonight's Survivor. I took the time to send a few tweets from my Reality Bites account, and the reaction was incredible!

I got Phillip Sheppard to follow me, I got Coach to Favorite and Retweet me, and I also got Skupin and Kat to Favorite a couple tweets. I just think that's too cool!

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Music Ironicness: Bowling For Soup - 1985

Today, I was posting something to Facebook. I was marking the visibility of the post using my pre-defined group "TV". When I start typing "TV", it also shows another group I have set up called "Reality TV". As I was doing this, the song "1985" by Bowling For Soup was playing, and a line in the song says "When did reality become TV", just as I was selecting "TV", but also looking right at "Reality TV". So weird! What are the odds?!

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April 3, 2014

Music Ironicness: Rain

Today it rained, and rained, and rained....all day long. It's funny that it seems like any time it rains, a song about rain randomly plays. It's usually Travis's "Why Does It Always Rain On Me". Today I heard not one, not two, but three songs with rain in the title!

The first one was Jordin Sparks's "Let It Rain"

Next came The Audition's "Make It Rain" (Note: on this song, I actually chose to play my entire The Audition collection, but still).

Then, as if that wasn't weird enough, on my way home from work, I hear Blind Melon's "No Rain" (What's odd about this song is that this song is 20 years old! What was it doing on the radio? Side note...how can this song be 20 years old? Man, I feel old!)

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