December 29, 2015

My Aladdin Lamp Obsession, Pt. 2: Aladdins in Pop Culture

I have so much to say about Aladdins that I had to break my article into 2 parts! In case you missed Part 1, click here to check it out.

I've studied Aladdins so much, that now, whenever I'm watching TV and movies set in the past, I immediately look at the lighting just to see if I can tell what type of oil lamps are present. I am proud to say that I've now spotted Aladdin lamps twice! They don't seem to be that common in film, so it's always fun to spot them.

My first find was in the show Copper. It is one of my proudest Aladdin accomplishments to say that I found an anachronism! Someone in props didn't do their homework! The show is set in the 1860s. The first Aladdin was sold in 1909, so yeah, they are at least 40 years premature in featuring them in the show! Not only that, but these are clearly lox-on models (there are no raised prongs holding the chimney in place). Lox-on burners and chimneys were not introduced until 1928! Any prop directors wanting lamps for your set? Clearly I'm the one to ask :)

My next find was on Doctor Who. I was surprised to see the Doctor not only carrying the lamp around, but running with it! Those lamps are heavy, and fragile! It was dark, but the glow of the mantle and the up-close shots of the burner make the Aladdin super recognizable.

I wonder where they will turn up next, but I can't wait to find out!

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