December 30, 2015

Seinfeld Reference #130

I was having an overly good day at work today, as I was told that I was the best and that I rock (by more than one person!). A co-worker told me I should leave before my head gets too big. I said I should leave on a high note like George. "That's it! I'm out!" Afterwards, I thought of another reference. If my head gets too big, I'll be like a walking candy apple! lol per usual, it just so happens that the episode Andea Doria - the one that features Elaine's big head - is on tonight! I don't know how that always seems to happen! So weird!

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December 29, 2015

My Aladdin Lamp Obsession, Pt. 2: Aladdins in Pop Culture

I have so much to say about Aladdins that I had to break my article into 2 parts! In case you missed Part 1, click here to check it out.

I've studied Aladdins so much, that now, whenever I'm watching TV and movies set in the past, I immediately look at the lighting just to see if I can tell what type of oil lamps are present. I am proud to say that I've now spotted Aladdin lamps twice! They don't seem to be that common in film, so it's always fun to spot them.

My first find was in the show Copper. It is one of my proudest Aladdin accomplishments to say that I found an anachronism! Someone in props didn't do their homework! The show is set in the 1860s. The first Aladdin was sold in 1909, so yeah, they are at least 40 years premature in featuring them in the show! Not only that, but these are clearly lox-on models (there are no raised prongs holding the chimney in place). Lox-on burners and chimneys were not introduced until 1928! Any prop directors wanting lamps for your set? Clearly I'm the one to ask :)

My next find was on Doctor Who. I was surprised to see the Doctor not only carrying the lamp around, but running with it! Those lamps are heavy, and fragile! It was dark, but the glow of the mantle and the up-close shots of the burner make the Aladdin super recognizable.

I wonder where they will turn up next, but I can't wait to find out!

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My Aladdin Lamp Obsession, Pt. 1

My amethyst Lincoln Drape
Hi, my name is Lori and I'm addicted to Aladdin lamps.

Working at Lehman's since I was 18 (14 years now, and counting...), I've learned A LOT! Things like: how businesses operate, marketing techniques, and more information about water pumps, grain mills, and so many other off-the-grid, self-sufficient products than I thought I would ever know. I enjoy learning, and some of our products are just down-right fascinating, not to mention practical.

Over the years, I've always found our oil lamps to be one of my favorite products...mainly for aesthetic reasons. As I've had to conduct training on the lamps (among lots of other things), I've really had to learn a lot about and understand how they work. I've always been drawn to one particular kind of oil lamp - the Aladdin. I've always known they were different than regular oil lamps, and that they have some different parts than regular oil lamps. However, over the past several years, I've learned so much about them, and the more I learn, the more I am simply fascinated with them.

The glow of my Aladdin during a
recent power outage
Ever since the several-hour power outage last year, when I had a need to light my very own Aladdin lamp for not only light, but heat, I've been wanting to get another one. My lamp is an amethyst Lincoln Drape that I keep in my bedroom...because it's purple, obviously. It was a little inconvenient to carry it all the way downstairs to the living room. So, I have my eye on our most popular model, the Genie III. I'm waiting until the new and improved burners are available, and then I'm adding it to my collection!

To further add to my growing obsession, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Clarksville, TN with 7 of my co-workers to the Aladdin headquarters last year! Lehman's wholesale division, Crownplace Brands, bought out Aladdin, so we would be moving the entire operation to little old Dalton, Ohio. My attendance was purely for work reasons - to learn as much about the lamps as possible from the experts, so I can better train our staff. However, it just so happens that I was super excited to go for personal reasons as!

In preparation for the trip, I started studying up on Aladdins again, and began to update my training materials. I dug a little deeper into the history of the lamps. The origins of the company are very interesting, and it's fun to see how the lamps have evolved over time, yet keeping the same basic operating principles. We got to see how lamps are put together, tested, boxed for shipping, and more! We got to meet and talk with the people who are the absolute experts, and they shared so many wonderful tips and facts with us. It was a great 2-day trip. I learned so much, and had such a good time! I'm so fortunate that I was selected to go!

One of my favorite parts of our visit was scouring their warehouse filled with thousands of old lamps that were set out in preparation for their auction. It was so fun to see in person, so many old and unique styles. We made it our mission to find an original Model #1, that they said was there somewhere. It took us awhile, but we found it! It was so hard to believe that we were able to touch an original made in 1909! I think it's safe to say that I am an Aladdin geek.

Here are some of the really cool photos I took on the trip to the Aladdin headquarters in Clarksville, TN.

The elusive Model 1!!!

The bottom of the lamp showing
the center draft tube

In part 2 of this post, My Aladdin Lamp ObsessionI talk about Aladdins in pop culture.

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December 27, 2015

Aladdin Lamp Sighting in Doctor Who

This one definitely caught me by surprise! I never in a million years would have expected to see an Aladdin lamp in Doctor Who! But right there, plain as day, being carried by none other than the Doctor himself! To say that these lamps aren't portable would kind of be an understatement. I can think of plenty of other oil lamp varieties that would be better to carry around for light! Aladdins are quite heavy! Plus, with the mantle being so fragile, it is really not a good idea to be jostling it around!

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December 20, 2015

TV Ironicness-The Bachelor and The Sound of Music

So I'm watching The Sound of Music and working on my blog post for The Bachelor. I was searching online for a picture of Ben. It's at this time when they are singing the "sixteen going on seventeen" song. It's the sing-a-long version so the words are on the screen. I didn't realize they sang about roses and also said the word "bachelor". So ironic!

It's a little hard to see, but the words on the TV screen are "Innocent as a rose"

"Bachelor brandies, drinkers of brandies"

November 14, 2015

Friend Requests

I often wonder what it might be like to have a couple of new Friend Requests every day. I'll probably never know, because I average about 1 new Friend Request every 5 or 6 months (yes, you read that right). I would get excited for every new request, but I can't tell you the last time I had a request from someone I actually knew. I don't know about anyone else, but I get random requests, not only from people I don't know, but from people so foreign that I can't even begin to pronounce their names.

And then today, this gem of a Friend Request notification popped up. Why yes, I would love to be friends with the extremely hot singer, Casey James!!! Oh wait...this former American Idol contestant and popular country singer only has 26 friends...and he wants to be friends with me?! I'm so flattered! Yeah, I totally believe this is him. Womp womp...

I can't stand people who create accounts posing as celebrities. Just not cool. If you're going to do it, at least label yourself as a fan page. This page has nothing. A profile pic, a header pic, and 26 friends. No bio, no anything. Granted, "he" might just have all of "his" info marked private, so I can only see it when we're "friends". Sorry, but I'm going to say "Delete Request" - I don't want "friends" that badly.

You'll thank me later "Casey James". I'm sure you wouldn't "Like" anything I post any way...just ask my current friends. Of my about 195 "friends", I'm usually lucky to get 2 or 3 Likes on anything I post. I know people see what I post because they tell me in person that they've seen and liked something I posted...but yet they don't actually take the time to "Like" it like they do for other people. I just find it very perplexing. Oh well, I have like 5 friends who do "Like" things I post, so I guess I'm doing it for them. know who you are. It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't based on how many Likes I get, or I would probably never leave my house.

Ha! And then in a weird twist of irony, I go to actually delete "Casey James's" Friend Request, and it says that there is no request to remove. Yes, fake Casey James revoked "his" request to be my friend. But good for "him" he now has 44 friends!

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August 5, 2015

Music Ironicness: We Need Medicine

It's been quite a while since I've had any weird music moments, but I definitely had one today! My co-workers and I were joking about whether or not working in customer service could cause someone to eventually go nuts enough to need medication. It was just then that "We Need Medicine" by The Fratellis came on.

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July 11, 2015

Aladdin Lamp Sighting in Copper

Oops! Someone didn't do their research! I'm watching Copper on Netflix, and because I work at Lehman's, my eyes are always drawn to props that we might have provided. I was surprised to notice a couple of Aladdin lamps, which aren't often used as mostly see regular oil lamps. You can tell they are Aladdins because you can clearly see the mantle inside the chimney. I got to thinking about when this show takes place, which is the 1860s. I've learned a lot about these really cool lamps over the years, and a couple things I know prove that these lamps would NOT be used during this time period. The first Aladdin wasn't sold until 1909. I also noticed that the lamps are clearly lox-on, because the burners don't have raised prongs to hold the chimney. Lox-on burners weren't introduced until 1928. Oops! The more you know...

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June 4, 2015

Seinfeld Reference #129

So today, my co-worker, my supervisor and I were talking about how my co-worker jumps every time people approach her desk because she doesn't hear them coming. My supervisor joked about what she could do so that she would hear her coming. I suggested carrying Tic-Tacs like the sidler on Seinfeld.

I get home, and wouldn't you know, out of 180 Seinfeld episodes, "The Merv Griffin Show" episode that contains the bit about the sidler was on! What are the odds? And now there was just a commercial for Tic-Tacs! Aah! Mind blown!

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March 16, 2015

Mop Dog

How weird is this? On Facebook, I see this picture of this dog, that is so huge and his hair makes him look like a giant mop. My friend Heather joked that it is something she might see in Lehman's. I joked "Where, in the mop section?"

No sooner had I typed that response, when on a commercial break, there was this Dr. Pepper commercial...with a dog that looks like a mop...sitting in front of a  store that had mops in the window! What are the chances?

In the picture, you can see my computer screen with the picture of the dog, and on my TV screen, I have it paused with the do and the mop in the window.

So ironic!